
Sunday 13 April 2014

Salute 2014

I had hoped to post something truly unique and erudite to mark another successful venture to the United Kingdom's largest Wargaming event - Salute 2014.  Alas this would have involved me actually taking some decent photographs and sitting down promptly on one's return and taping away at a post, which I didn't.  Consequently there are already a good many erstwhile weblogs that have beaten me to the line and I would suggest you pay them a visit to actually see what this year's show was really like.

For the 'Provost Marshal' and myself, it proved to be an expensive day out.  I hadn't planned to have a list this year, but something, Mike 'The Dark Templar' Reynolds (thank you for my blocking dice and Aetherium Miniature!) had said last year saw me jotting down a few prices of items that I might be interested in, the idea being that it might be better to save one's pocket money and order them up on the return to 'Awdry Towers'.  This sounds all well and good in practise, but what you end up with, is of course, a list!  

So what was I after?  Well sourcing miniatures for the new diversion, 'Witchfinder General' was the priority this year and I took advantage of 'Hersey Miniatures' generous offer on the day to pick up no end of unholy denizens of the night - namely hell hounds, werewolves and ghouls, although I notice a man bat got in under the radar as well.  It was impossible to resist the '4 Ground' timber framed houses and by this stage my shopping lust was in full rage and I was advance ordering a giant wicker man and a gibbet set without even breaking step - I was doomed.

The Bloggers' meet couldn't come quickly enough and I was determined this year to catch up with a couple more chaps that my naturally shy and reserved nature prevented me from doing so last year; my apologies again, however, if I missed you.  This really is a highlight for me as it is lovely to actually have a physical conversation with those that spend a good amount of time supporting, viewing and even commenting on each other's work in cyberspace.  There was much talk of the fact that it seemed quieter this year, but I'm not so sure myself, certainly the stalls that I was trying to get to were constantly busy throughout the day and if I'm honest I rather like a little space where you can just stop and think without been constantly jostled.  So I certainly enjoyed the day, but the old painting/buying tally counter has taken a hit!  As we left for the show yesterday, I had actually painted more than I had bought this year, that is most definitely no longer the case - whoops! 


  1. You may as well accept as fact that more mini's bought than sold as a way of life ;-)

    Glad you had a good show


  2. Now that looks a fine haul. Sounds like you enjoyed yourself.

    Hopefully I shall get myself there next year.

    1. Great day, but would love to catch up again Dave.

  3. Great haul Michael, looking forward to seeing them on the paint table.

    1. A great day out and thrilled to have finally met up with you.

  4. Wow Michael that is an impressive haul!!

  5. Nothing in your swag haul not to like. I so look forward to what you do with it all. And Truly a pleasure to meet you on the day.

    1. Fabulous fun all round and I'm so please that we finally got to have a natter.

  6. That sir, is quite an impressive haul for man with pretensions to some form of restraint. Well done indeed.

    1. Restraint, now where did that sentiment go?

  7. A pleasure Michael as always to see you and a damn good haul!

    1. Fabulous to see you again, but for not nearly enough time!

  8. A very impressive haul dear sir - interested in seeing your new diversion coming to fruition.

    1. Progress has been made, but it is awfully slow at the moment.

  9. A pleasure once again Sir M, just sorry we didn't have a real good chat! And that's a pretty nice haul!!

    1. Where did the time go? Always great to see you but we certainly missed out on a good old natter.

  10. Sound's like you had a good day sir. Nice pile of loot too.

  11. Great pile of swag there, sir ;) I and the little woman were ' on the ground' too at Salute, but failed to link up any other callsigns; probably because I felt duty bound to whisk her stoic frame away for lunch outside the main hall to keep her sweet ;)
    I haven't been for a couple of years and while I enjoyed it immensely, I felt something was amiss. Still, my haul, though considerably less epic than yours (of course) arrived under budget - touché!

    1. Well done that man, sorry not to have met up but I understand, only too well, that keeping one's beloved happy is the secret to any modeller's longevity.

  12. Greate haul of lovely wargaming stuff !

  13. You did well for yourself on the buying front. Glad you had a fun day!

  14. A great haul Michael! I'm looking forward to seeing you bring it all to life!


    1. Things are starting to get done, but where to start? ;)

  15. And the lead mountain grows... - good haul

  16. Christmas came early to Awdry Towers I see. Quite the haul.

    1. You should have seen the worried look on my face as I crept in the front door!

  17. Sounds like a great day out and a good loot !


  18. Wonderful to see you again Sir M, and the Provost Marshall too.

    Quite a haul and more to come? My word!

    1. As always, a real pleasure to meet up Tamsin. Still waiting for my missing goodies though. :(

  19. "Stop me before I buy again!"

    That's some serious loot, Mr Awdry; I can see now that if ever I make it to Salute, I will need to organise a couple of things, namely a huge bank balance and several extra rooms.

    Thanks for the round-up!

    1. It not my fault - honest! So much to be tempted by, but I was expecting to bring it all home!

  20. Good Haul, I'd love to be able to attend one of these shows one of these days! I've only been a 'Game Con' once and that was GW games day at Nottingham many years ago... and it just seemed to be full of kids getting whipped up into a frenzy screaming "WAAAAAAGGGHHH!" at the top of their lungs...

    1. A fabulous day out Scott, so much to see and buy!

  21. Nice haul! It's unbelievable the amount of amazing products on offer.

    Didn't even know there was a Bloggers meet would've like to met up with people I follow.

    1. It was a great day out and next year we will see you at the meet?

  22. That's an impressive haul good Sir I look forward to future posts full of witches, werewolves and the odd Puritan.

  23. Nice stack of goodies Michael, looks like you have enough there to last a bit!

    1. You would think, but there will always be more temptation.

  24. O_O ... a truly impressive haul. ^_^

  25. Nice to meet you at the Bloggers' gathering Micheal. Yes, my wallet was also feeling a bit shell-shocked on the return to Prague. Those lovely 4Ground buildings sent my spend over the edge as well.

    1. Great to meet you too and I would happily buy more of those buildings, they are just superb.

  26. Hola
    Espero que disfrutaras,a un que viendo las compras seguro que si jaja
    un saludo

  27. What a haul...can't wait to see some colors on these minis!

    1. We are under starter's orders, now where to start?

  28. I was delighted to have been able to shake your hand again Andrew - always a pleasure Sir.

  29. What a haul chap and I have to admit I share your love for Witchfinder General, though after finding Donnybrook I will be using that instead I think, maybe not. It was very nice to meet you and your friend the provost.

  30. Glad to see you indulged in a little retail therapy Michael - and great to meet you in person at long last!
