
Saturday 5 April 2014

Paint Table Saturday#22

Now I wasn't going to submit anything this morning on the grounds that there wasn't much to see, what with the recently completely Punjab Cavalry awaiting their close ups at the Daguerreotype studio.  As you can see, however, there have been one or two developments!  With the completion of the '4th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge' the pressure to constantly produce something to raise one's tally has lifted; don't get me wrong, I love taking part in the challenge and the process was vital in keeping me on track with all things Victorian, but now, as they say, it is time for something completely different!

Regular readers may have heard mention in recent posts of yet another 'secret project', but rather than have it skulk in the shadows, I felt it was time to 'out' this latest diversion. From the outset it is important to apportion the blame for this dalliance at the door of my good friend the 'Provost Marshal', after all it couldn't be my fault!  You see some years ago, when I was taking my first tentative steps along the glorious bridleway of this most wholesome of hobbies, he managed to sneak into 'Awdry Towers' a veritable mountain of English Civil War lead!  

Now I ashamedly know very little about the English Civil War past my rudimentary schoolboy level and certainly had no desire to invest my precious time in it when I could be painting scarlet clad warriors armed with Martini Henry rifles, but guilt is a terrible thing!  Every so often I would hear them calling from afar until one day, I stumbled across 'Witchfinder General - Days of Revelation'.  This imaginative rule set from 'Dashing Dice Games' looks to combine 17th Century folklore with historical warfare at a skirmish level; Imagine all those Hammer Horror movies played out on the table top!

So as you can see the first stages of prepping have taken place as I have cherry picked through the vast assortment gifted to me.  Mostly from 'Redoubt Enterprises', I have added some 'Wargames Foundry' witches and plague doctors and intend to have a blast painting them.  I have absolutely no idea where this will lead or even if it will make to the table, I'm just glad to be finally doing something with what was a hugely generous gift.

"Move along there, nothing to see here!"

Finally, please remember that you can see many more 'Paint Tables' by popping over to Sophie fabulous weblog here.


  1. I have the rules for Witchfinder, but that is as far as it goes for me a present. I strongly look forward to seeing what you do though.

    1. Thank you Clint, looking forward to seeing where this leads.

  2. I too have both the rules, which are rather nice and interesting and also some, only a lot of redoubt and bicorne miniatures that need a bit of love, but they stay in the lead pile, for the time being. I am thinking about digging them out to use for Donnybrook instead.

    1. Donnybrook does sound good too, looking forward to seeing what you do too.

  3. It's always nice to go off on a jaunt in this hobby. I'm looking forward to seeing your plague doctors!

    1. There is something about their masks that is wonderfully creepy.

  4. Hola
    bueno si señor muy buenas esas minis y un gran proyecto tienes entre manos
    estaré a tentó
    que tengas buenos pinceles
    un saludo

  5. ECW is the business! You could try Donnybrook for skirmish games and they even contemplate slightly supernatural aspects if you wish. It's the only set of rules I know where you can employ a lady of easy virtue to distract your opponents officers!

    1. Now it sounds as if I might have backed the wrong rules again, Donnybrook sounds great!

  6. ECW at Awdry Tower... Sounds marvelous!
    I'm looking forward to see them painted.


  7. Wow thats certainly looking fuller this week!

    1. Lots of filing and filling this week Simon.

  8. Looks like we're in for a great looking ECW project. I also haven't delved into ECW, nor ACW for that matter, but always enjoy seeing the armies. Best, Dean

    1. I have to say the more work I did on them, the more excited I got - they should be fun to do.

  9. The Provost Marshal's been up to his old tricks I see. Eager to see how you work the supernatural elements into the project.

    That shot of the bobbies working crowd control... classic.

    1. You just can't take your eyes off him for a moment without him depositing vast quantities of lead around the place. Very excited as I get to paint witches, ghouls and werewolves!

    2. It was very easy to get them into Awdry Towres. I just waited until Michael was in the local sampling the cold, fizzy gnat's pee he used to drink before he discovered real beer, Gave SMA the pre-arranged signal, and she then had to run home to check on something in the oven. At which point, I emerged from the bushes (something I thought I'd never say on this blog), and deposited a few dozen figures. If memory serves, it was a Christmas present. It was nice to see them yesterday finally getting an airing - especially the plague doctors.

      Pip pip

  10. I'll be following this with interest mate. I've got some Redoubt stuff as it matches size-wise with Renegade and Bicorne. I've been generally unimpressed with their sculpts however, for although they have plenty of character they have some very odd proportions and poses. Quite looking forward to what you can do with them.

    1. I hear what you are saying, certainly bags of character but some odd scales, especially with the loose heads. I'm hoping they should all hold together though.

  11. I shall look forward to seeing and reading more on the Witchfinder project!

    1. Thank you Ray, it just seemed to have lots of wonderful elements to play with.

  12. It does look very interesting!


    1. I am certainly looking forward to seeing how it would unfold.

  13. I've not seen Redoubt's ECW range, so I'm interested to see how they turn out. I must admit, the period is beginning to pique my interest!

    1. The ones I have must be twenty years old, but looked pretty good when I was cleaning them up.

  14. Great project, sir! It is a very interesting one.

    1. It should certainly prove to be a wonderful distraction.
