
Saturday 26 April 2014

I may have bu***red Blogger!

To keep this brief, I've managed to delete the blog roll in my sidebar and can't replace it. This is problematic as I would use it as a way of keeping up with all the erstwhile weblogs that I follow. It was when adding another such splendid blog that I received a message informing me that I had reached the maximum allowed. I had remembered hearing of similar tales of woe and that the solution had been to simply add another blog roll and carry on. This is exactly what I did, although it proved to be a little more fiddly than I thought, I then went to save changes, but nothing happened. I tried again and again, loading up the blogs, clicking save, but still nothing! All very infuriating and so I've resorted to catching up by accessing the reading list in the dashboard.

I will try again when the red mist subsides, but if anyone knows of a quick fix then I will be very grateful.  Rant over let's see what's on the Paint Table this week...

The primary focus at the moment is to paint up some of the miniatures required for the 'Witchfinder General' rules that have rather caught my imagination.  To that end we have some rather splendid 'Heresy Miniatures' ghouls to represent the Noctelinger and the first of the witches and werewolves.  Also pictured is my shiny new wet palette, that I put together having read a post by that mischievous Loki over at his 'Great Hall'.  I have read many articles advocating the many qualities of such a palette, but hadn't got around to giving it a go myself.  Then during a fortuitous outing to the local grocery emporium, I spied this colourful creation for no more than a couple of pounds sterling.  Safely home, an appropriately sized sponge and sheets of greaseproof paper were cut to shape and 'Voila!'  I'm rather taken by it and already the amount of paint that I waste with it drying in the normal palette has reduced significantly - a worthy investment indeed.

Earlier this morning, I also managed to finish off the rebasing that I had started over the Easter break.  These had made up some of the vignettes that I had entered as part of the 'Fourth Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge' earlier in the year.  I have to confess that I had very mixed feeling about breaking them up, but ultimately they will prove more useful this way.

Finally, I had to say goodbye to an old friend this morning - yes my last post of 'Devlan Mud' has finally passed on.  This will be a bit of a wrench as it has proved to be an invaluable ingredient in much of what I do.  I understand that Army Painter, Quickshade - Strong Tone is a workable replacement, but have yet to give it a go.  So for now, farewell old friend...

Finally, please remember that you can see many more 'Paint Tables' by popping over to Sophie fabulous weblog here.


  1. I also Have "Witchfinder General" But prefer the mechanics of Donnybrook, Which also handles Cultists and witchfinders. Might be worth a look for you.

    Sorry I can't help with Blogger, It's a mystery to me this Computer gizmo. I shall have a look I may have some Devlan Mud you can have. I'll check and then get back to you.

    1. Sorry Can't find any Devlan Mud I suspect my nephew might have "borrowed" it! Sorry for raising your hopes.

    2. Thank you for looking Clint and curse you for continuing to mention Donnybrook - I've just ordered a copy!

  2. Ah, the wonders of technology have had me flummaxed on more than one occassion.
    Good luck sorting it out.

    1. Thank you, it's fine whilst it's doing what it is supposed to!

  3. I use my blogroll the same way you do. It's easier for me to see who posts and then get to them that way. Fran and Ray went through the same thing and had to do two separate blog rolls. I weed out defunct blogs regularly to avoid this.

    I've just started using Citadel Nulin Oil. One would think they would bring back Devlan Mud as it was the work horse for many a painter.

    1. I think I'll just have to keep preserving, I'm sure there will be a way round it.

  4. Hola
    Que buenas las minis,y que dispares de estilos,me gustan
    un saludo

    1. Thank you J.D., there is certainly a wide variety on show.

  5. Michael
    Just lost my followers link as well, I wonder if this could be a wider issue with blogger?

  6. That's a pain Michael - I hope you manage to get the blogrolls back somehow.

    1. Thank you Tamsin, I'll just keep plugging away at it.

  7. Sorry to see you reach the end of your Devlan Mud, but as you've mentioned, the Strong Tone Quickshade Army Painter is a very good approximation. Certainly infinitely better than the watered down GW Agrax Earthshade imho.
    Nice re-basing as well; guess we all end up doing that from time to time :-)

    1. Thank you for the kind words and I'm not a fan of the GW Agrax Earthshade either - just not enough substance to it.

  8. I tried downloading the Internet once..nearly broke the PC. Still, looking through it afterwards it turned out that 90% of it is porn and 9.9% pics of fluffy kittens.
    Same Thing happened to me a couple of months came back, annoyingly just after I´d added the second blog roll.

  9. Can't help with the blog woes. I finally got around to making a wet palette myself not too long ago. I'm sold on the idea now. Really helps in the dry warm/hot climate I live in. I commiserate with you on running out of a discontinued paint or hobby item. I am still trying to find a good replacement for the old old (80s era) GW/Citadel flesh wash, which I use for flesh and also over bronze and gold to shade them a bit. I've tried Reaper's flesh wash and it just doesn't "do it" for me.

    1. I remember that flesh wash, it was great stuff; I wonder if Vallejo do one?

  10. I have never heard this kind of problem...hope you'll find a solution! Great work on the rebasing!

    1. Thank you Phil, I hope I'll find a fix soon.

  11. Michael! I ran out of Devlan Mud some time ago and I've been very happy with AP Strong. If you make the switch, you might also try Vallejo's Game Color Wash Sienna. It is thick, pools nicely and gives a wonderful shading. It's so good I favored it over AP a bit until I ran out. I really need to lay in a stock of washes!

    1. Monty, that sounds like great advice - thank you.

  12. I am sorry to hear about your loss. I too have had a bereavement. My tub of the old GW sepia went a few weeks ago. It's replacement is just a bit rubbish. I've even gone as far as buying some windsor and newton ink. Over the last couple of months several of my paints have given up the ghost. I am looking on ebay at the moment to see whats out there,

  13. A wet palette does come in handy when using fast drying paints like Vallejo, but haven't needed it for Foundry. AP strong tone is pretty close match to Devlan Mud and easy to access so you should be pleased with it.


    1. Thank you Christopher, I've got some ready to go, I guess we shall just have to see.

  14. The rebasing is looking great Michael! Went through the same prob with the blog roll a couple of years back. Created another blog roll and copied the the list over but only at about 10 at a time.Would not let me copy too many at one time. Found I could not go past 166 in each roll but since then I have and it has not been a problem. Good luck.

    1. Ten at a time you say Rodger, I'll have to give that a go - thank you.

  15. Vallejo washes are also worth a look. I had not realised GW had discontinued the wash?

    1. The vallejo dark brown and black also come in 200ml economy size packs - designed for sipping but I still brush it on...

    2. "dipping" - not sipping, unless you like drinking your paints! ;-)

    3. I'm certainly going to have to give them a look - think you Scott.

  16. your minis are always great: i already told you, but it's never enough!
    about blogroll: i had something not working some times ago and i raised the problem with the blogspot assistance forum and, after a few, it was all ok.
    hope to help you.

    1. Thank you Luca, that sounds like good advice, I'll have to go and pay the forum a visit.

  17. Sorry to hear about the blog roll I use mine the same why you do. I've been using vallejo washes and some washes I made myself from Windsor Newton inks.

    1. I'd forgotten about Windsor & Newton inks, do they leave a bit of a sheen?

    2. Yes if you use too much, my zombies used washes made from Windsor Newton inks I used vallejo brown ink or black wash to tone them down.

  18. I have the same trouble with my blogroll, add my reading list, save it and nothing happens. I thought I was doing something wrong.
    I'm down to the last dregs of Devlan Mud, was going to try the new GW brown wash Agrax Earthshade.

    1. Hi Bob, the Agrax Earthshade does a job, but it just doesn't have the same depth as the Devlan Mud.

  19. You'll still find the odd Dev Mud here and there - grab them all! I have a stash of about 6 still. For the time being anyway...

    1. Your very own mud mountain eh? Cunning, Sir!

  20. My Devlan mud is fast diminishing too. I've started the transition to AP strong tone ink, which is an acceptable substitute though is a little shinier.

    1. I'd certainly heard it was similar, but you've worried me about it being shinier!

  21. I feel your pain regarding the demise of your Devlan Mud. I'm on my last pot and will sorely miss its oily magic properties (and that disturbingly compelling smell).

    1. I know exactly what you mean about that smell, strangely hypnotic and yet revolting at the same time!

    2. I know, I find it troubling that some of the 'best' smells fit this description...

  22. Hi, you should be able to log on to Blogger and get a export of your blogger subscriptions and import them in to Feedly, it's great as it's like a new custom gaming magazine made up from all the blogs I follow.

    1. Paul, that sounds fascinating, I will have to give it a go - thank you.

    2. Unfortunately you CAN'T export your blogroll from Blogger, trust me I've tried. The feature simply doesn't exist despite repeated requests from the wider community. It's like they don't want to give people a way to move off Blogger. Paul is right regards Feedly though. I'm in the process of slowly moving things across. The only downside is you still need to follow in Blogger for people to have it show on their blogs.

  23. I try to avoid adding any additional gadgets to the blog for just that reason you never can predict what will happen on blogger!
    I also feel your pain re the paint they do become like old friends you can rely on! hope you find the alternative works for you.

    The re basing of the figures looks great Michael.

    1. Thank you Willie, there has certainly been some good tips for alternatives that I can look into.

  24. I use AP strong with good results.

    Not only do I use my blogroll as you describe, I use yours the same way. Wish I could offer some insight on resolving the problem but my computer knowledge extends only as far as turning the thing on and off.

    I've wondered why some blogs have multiple blogrolls. Figured it was merely for organizational purposes. Guess not.

    1. AP strong it is then as for the other matter, I'm sure there will be a way round the problem - I hope!

  25. Vallejo Game colour wash, eh - that might be worth a look, thank you.

  26. Bummer about the blog roll. Sometimes you can wait a few days and try the same thing again on Blogger to better effect. May not be the case here though. I bet it was hard to break up the vignettes - but as you noted it will allow the figures to be used in scenarios better. The Ripper one was awesome altogether. Best, Dean

    1. It is a real pain Dean, but I think you might be right - just let things settle down and try again.

  27. I am very sorry to hear about your troubles with the blogroll and I hope that you sort it out soon.

    Donnybrook is a great game as is Witchfinder General, but the mechanic is simplier and they have a cultist faction that is great fun.

    1. My Donnybrook rules arrived this morning so I hope to have a closer look over the weekend.

  28. Hopefully you 'll get it sorted out soon. And yes, the AP strong tone IS like devland mud. And Dark tone IS like badab black. I've tested them last week. Same stuff, really. And cheaper

    1. Thank you Seb, I'll give the AP strong tone a go first.

  29. Vallejo did do a flesh wash but the number has worn off the side of the bottle.
    If you really want a Devlan Mud I think I have an unopened spare I can send you (but I will have to check). I stocked up on that and Badab Black when I heard they were being replaced

    1. Hi Nigel, that is really kind of you, I've managed to get my hands on some Strong Tone, so will give that a go first.

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