
Monday 3 February 2014

On Closer inspection...

very little is happening!

It may not have escaped the attention of regular followers of '28mm Victorian Warfare' that my presence around our cosy corner of the blog-o-sphere has been somewhat sporadic of late.  I have singly failed to keep abreast of many of the wonderful weblogs that I enjoy to follow, even my own contribution here at '28mm Victorian Warfare' has been restricted to 'catch up' posts and glimpses of a dusty work station.

So why this curtailing of creativity, you might ask?  The simple answer is that the humble workplace is to receive a full integrated inspection from the Independent Schools' Inspectorate this week.  This is a necessary evil and thankfully only endured every five years or so.  Regardless of how well prepared one might feel there is always a sense of anxiety at such things and some disruption to the week is inevitable.  

I only mention it here by way of apology and hope to return, somewhat relieved, at the weekend! 


  1. Haven't seen that picture for some time! One of the reasons I hate clowns!

  2. Good luck with the inspection !

    best regards Michael

  3. I'm no stranger to an "Ofsteding" (yes, it's a verb now) myself, so you have my utmost, heartfelt sympathies.

    As a teacher who is usually prepared and on top of paperwork, it's still a nerve-wracking thing to be inspected. See what "laypersons" dnt understand is that classrooms can be unpredictable places :)

    anyway, bonne chance Mon ami.

  4. No apology needed, good sir. I'll happily consider the dreaded ISI as the villain here.

  5. No worries, life's up and downs take precedence sometimes. Just post when you have a chance and enjoy it. For the record, all of my recent posts have been primarily re-basing of formerly painted figures. So, in essence nothing new either, but figured as the work was on the table, I might as well post pics of them. Best, Dean

  6. Good luck with the inspection Michael .
    Greetings .

  7. Michael
    Good luck with the Kommissar.

  8. Michael, I had no idea that you and I shared the same profession and both in independent education to boot! My own establishment is gearing up to inspection expected next term. Sympathies. Just remember that when the bombardment stops and the whistle blows, to advance steadily and with steely determination towards the enemy.

  9. Nothing worse than a good probing by an inspection team!

  10. captainrichardsminiature civil war3 February 2014 at 16:52

    I'm sure you will do well...I dont see you as someone who could fail at anything

  11. I´m suffering as well. Last couple of weeks getting ready for an Audit and next the health and safety audit plus fire safety..first aid re-training and and ..then getting some new Areas of the firm ready for Expansion....beaurocracy and then some!!

  12. Good luck with the inspection. I hate those things.

  13. I know the feeling. HMIC audit looming at work and an OFSTED inspection at the school at which I'm a Governor. I hope it goes well for you, they can be quite stressful

  14. Best wishes Michael - I. Sure you'll be back among us soon.

  15. Good old Ofsted nigh on guaranteed to ruin your week, even if you get a great score!

  16. You and SMA will sail through it - although you should remember to steer them away from the zombies in the School Gym!

    Pip pip

  17. Your not alone Michael, I too have been somewhat absent. Between a trip to Mexico, a furnace that died the Friday before said trip, the new furnace install & then the return to work, my painting has been little to none. Not too worry though as well shall all go forward & never look back

  18. Good luck! I, too, am disappearing off the radar for various reasons... :-(

  19. That dread body... the men in grey suits... the Auditors! Argh! Hope it goes well for you!

  20. Chin up sir and remember to hide the bodies well. :-)

  21. It's life Jim... But not as we know it...

  22. Be sure and take the paint brush out from behind your ear.

  23. Hope it all goes well Michael!

  24. I know how you feel. Christmas, coursework (I'm 43 and I'm still doing coursework) and then my tax return all seem to get in the way. )On the plus side, I have just finished my "great drought" and I am back in the swing of things again. Hoping to see you back on the web soon.

  25. Hope it goes well, Michael. Do what you need to do and get back to us when you can. If your school is as cracking as your gypsies and gypsy carava (mmmm, gypsies ...) then you'll have no problem,.

  26. Good luck with the Inspectors !
    (just imagine that they are humans like you and me and that they do the same thing one time a day ... )
    It seems that they have forgotten my existence since many years and ... I don't expect to see one before the end of my working time !

  27. Good luck with the inspection, Michael !
