
Wednesday 22 January 2014

Random acts of kindness

Spoiler Alert! -  the following post contains passages of unrestrained emotional drivel!

In relative terms, I have come to this most wholesome of hobbies quite late in life, initially looking for something to occupy my hands as I battled, successfully I might add, to rid my system of the evil nicotine.   Later on the decision to surround myself with lead and cyanoacrylate proved a good one as the hobby became a welcome distraction during what proved to be a particularly difficult time at work; in fact my only regret, hobby wise, is not having started sooner!  Working predominately in isolation, although always encouraged by my good friend the ‘Provost Marshal’, I felt I needed some form of outlet for my meagre efforts and so, as a by-product of the hobby, ‘28mm Victorian Warfare’ was born.

The keeping of the blog has encouraged me to take a fresh outlook on life and I have been quite astounded by the sense of community and goodwill that prevails in our corner of the hobby world.  I had had a jaded view of social media often seeing, first hand, just how destructive it can be particularly to young people, but here I am surrounded, by examples of pure generosity and I can honestly say it makes me happy.  “But what are these examples of generosity?” I hear you cry.  Well, it all started a week or so ago with a seemingly innocuous comment on one of my posts by the irrepressible ‘Bullcher Feb’,

"Very nice work sir, on the downside you may find that the postman will be delivering you a 'distraction'. We wouldn't want 2014 to start in a straight forward fashion - lol."

All very cryptic thinks I, until a small package is duly delivered by said Postman, containing a Blood Bowl team!  Yes a Human Team complete with star player, Griff Oberwald!  The only caveat in taking ownership of this team was, "to have fun!"   I ask you, how amazing is this?

The Human Team

Well it certainly brightened my day that is for sure, but the story doesn’t end here though, because twenty four hours later I receive an email from the mischievous Loki,

"Your surprise has been sent Special delivery today should be with you by 1pm Tuesday at the latest."

On this occasion the Postmen left one of those little red cards, much beloved by wargamers as they often signify something shiny and new is waiting for collection, so on Saturday morning, I pootled off to the Post Office depot clutching my little card expecting to pick up a little envelope of French and Indian Wars miniatures only to come away with a huge box; I could barely contain my excitement for the ten minute walk back to Awdry Towers!  Imagine my surprise when I unpacked it to find a menagerie of prehistoric goodness!  I was speechless!

The Big Boys


After a flurry of emails it transpired that this was no ordinary collection of dinosaurs but in fact a fully, custom made Lizardman Blood Bowl team that Loki had lovingly created. I was now in the proud possession of a selection of miniatures that represented all allowable players from Skinks, through to Sauruses and even a Kroxigor!  This really was too much, but the great man insisted that as Loki, he was prone to indulge in all manner of mischievous so once in a while  a generous act helps to balance  out his naughty side! 

I really seem to have been truly blessed that week, being the recipient of two random acts of kindness,  scooping the lottery was clearly a step too far though!  Once again, I must reiterate my heartfelt thanks to the two esteemed gentlemen in question - your actions have been so very gratefully received.  Hopefully 2014 will see some Blood Bowl action as I start to get to grips with my new teams, I suppose naming them would be a start - any suggestions? 


  1. Hola
    Interesantes piezas.
    Me gustan los dinosaurios
    un saludo

  2. Great stuff... I too have benefited from an act of generosity by a fellow blogger, and have found the world of hobby blogs a wholesome place to be.

    Enjoy your bloodbowl teams, its a great little game.

    1. Thank you Scott, looking forward to rolling those dice.

  3. Well, you're running out of excuses not to dive into Blood Bowl head first, and like Bull and myself you now have two viable teams to play!

    That Dinosaur team is genius!

    Team and player name is a very serious business as you will come to love and hate the individuals in equal measure.

    I sure you could have player names along the lines of "Dyethinkeesaurus" or "Blodgesaurus" (you need to understand Blodge!) or perhaps "Tarquin Throweesaurus" – I'm find both a forename and surname much funnier.

    Much fun to be had, without any paint in sight!

    1. Thank you Mike, love the suggestions for the names and looking forward to showing you all how tough these Lizards really are!

  4. I agree we have a fant6astic hobby community full of generous people. Generous in time as well as lead! Three cheers for wargames bloggers!

  5. I too have found that a passing comment on my blog has resulted in a parcel of goodies. There are some really generous people out there.

    I must say though that, the largesse is deserved in your case. You re one of the people I have found a real encouragement in my progress into the bobby and in blogging. Thank you Michael.

    1. That is incredibly kind of you to say so Edwin, but what generosity shown by these two chaps - truly heart warming.

  6. Heart warming, truly GREAT!

  7. Well isn't that just wonderful.. Just proves what a happy band we are!

  8. I'm speechless. That's a very kind and deep article. Without any doubt you have well deserved those signs of generosity being the kind, encouraging, sensitive fellow as who we know you.
    So many congrats and have fun with those Bloodbowl teams. To my mind one of the best games GW ever produced.

    All the best

  9. I have to say the general attitude of kindness and friendliness that pervades through the hobby has always taken me by surprise. Much like Michael I have a jaded view of social media and usually avoid it but I have always found people involved in our hobby to be generally friendly and helpful.

  10. Santa has arrived early again! Shows how awesome this community is.

  11. Those are some really great surprises from some very generous people

  12. Those are very lovely gifts to have received Michael. Incredibly generous of the donors :)

  13. What a lovely post. Well done sir.

    On the names front I was thinking that you might like to use names from an English cricket team in Victorian times. I was having a look online. The players seem to come with three names. I was particularly tickled by Mr Edward William Bastard who played for Oxford as a left arm bowler in the 1882. :-)

  14. Greate story of kindness!!!

    Very nich chaps indeed

    Best regards Michael

  15. As the recpient of many generous gifts from bloggers, it still surpirses me just wonderful a community this is.

  16. This hobby is chock full of great people, yourself included so it's great to see you benefit


  17. Ah what kind gestures. And twice! What a wonderful little community we have.

  18. Well done, gentlemen! This is part of what makes our fine hobby shine.

    Have fun with your new lead!

  19. Wonderful gifts, an excellent post Michael!

  20. I've also had the good fortune to be the beneficiary of similar gifts. I can only add that they retain a *very special place* in a rather large collection of miniatures accumulated over far too many years. Every time I look at said items (or game with them) it makes me smile. I'm sure yours will do the same mate and you are a most worthy recipient to boot.

  21. The Dinosaur team is stupendous! This is a great story, I've experienced some generosity as well. I'll be very forthright I've never had a good view of social media and if it where not for the regular reading of your blog and a few others I would have never begun mine.

  22. Outstanding generosity!! Well done to Loki & Bullcher Feb Love those Dinosaurs!!
    And what about The Old Pevensey Particulars, for the Blood Bowl team name?

  23. That is awesome Michael! Fantastic stuff!!!

  24. Wow! Those figures are superb! Truly, truly what generosity and kindness. Enjoy them all the more! Dean

  25. Wow! That is truly awesome!

  26. Wonderfull gifts! And very generous of those two people!

