
Sunday 22 December 2013

Blood Bowl...

…a new distraction?

Having only just submitted my first entry to the '4th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge' is was time to dry off the brushes and avail myself of an incredibly generous offer to to join 'The Dark Templar' and 'Bullcher Feb' for a day of Blood Bowl action!  

Now it has to be said from the outset that I have very little experience of this game other than what I have picked up from ogling the outstanding creations on David's 'Laughing Ferret Lab' and catching up on Paul of 'The Man Cave' and Right Stuff's outings Down Under - that, I'm afraid to say, may have to change! 

Having braved lashing rain and howling gusts on the journey up to Bull's (the last time I went it snowed - is it me or are the dice Gods trying to warn me away from the Dark Side?), I fell into the usual manly trap of convincing myself that I knew exactly where I was going, promptly heading off in the wrong direction, only to arrive later than planned and soaked through - great start Michael! 

It is not my place to comment on the games in this post, I will leave that to the Gentlemen in question, but would most certainly encourage you to visit their respective weblogs, but I do need to say that more convivial surroundings, one couldn't have wished for - vitals and laughter abounding as I witnessed, what can only be described, as some of the direst dice rolling ever - six ones and two double skulls in a row! 

When it came to my turn to run the undead team for a half, I was already hooked and so you can imagine my excitement when in turn two I launched the ball towards an unmarked Ghoul only inches from the end zone only to see him fumble the ball - no doubt too busy picking the rotting flesh from his teeth, resulting in Bull's Goblin, 'Yakstick Sticky Hand', running the length of the pitch to score at the other end - this I understand, encompasses the vagaries of the game and what made it huge entertaining to me.

And so it is that I must thank both Gentlemen for allowing me, once again, to gatecrash their day's gaming and equally curse them both for the seed that they have planted in my already distracted mind!  Clearly I need a team to call my own, but what would it be?  I have already spent an evening looking at the varied options open to a chap, but would happily entertain suggestions - a Victorian Gentlemen's eleven perhaps?


  1. Lol… Bright Shiny Lights!!

    I have a spare human team going if you wanted to try before you buy and Bull has so many teams I would suggest road testing several before committing.

    Good to see you again Michael (though I am concerned about the weather coincidence)

  2. Blood Bowl is an awesome game, but Victoria doesn't seem impressed.

    I see a human team in cricket whites, complete with armoured padding for blitzers and acrobatic catchers fumbling at the boundary. Owzat!

    1. What an awesome idea! Beards and pipes and the occasional walking cane .... the options are endless. Also the humans are a good team to learn with, very balanced in that they can throw, catch, and run.

    2. Sloppy Jalopy are doing some armed cricketers soon and you could convert them

  3. Tell you what I like Phyllion's idea, food for thought. BB is good fun it got me back into gaming after a major hiatus. Well done.

  4. I seem to be one of the few people who does not enjoy Blood Bowl. Still a break from painting is a break and worthy just for that purpose. Hope you enjoyed the game.

  5. Been reading about this all day on the other guys blogs. Looks like you all had fun besides you getting wet on the way there.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family buddy!

  6. I'd love to give BB a spin some day. The freedom you have to create/paint a team means a fellow like you can really go to town. Good luck and I can't wait to see what you come up with.

  7. If you can't beat it, then you must indulge it.. Oh yes a gentlemans 11 is a must

  8. I enjoy the Ferret's Blood Bowl posts and if I could play just one game it would be that. So glad you got together with Mike as he's such a nice chap.

  9. Fantastic to see another convert to this highly addictive game. I feel both guilty and proud that perhaps Right Stuff and I are a part of that!

    In our experience, your selection of a new team needs to be based on two things:

    1. Your style of play - strength or agile? Do you want to specialise in long passes or beating people to a pulp? Or have a team which can do a bit of both. The Undead team you played is a good example of a team which can do a bit of both.

    2. Find models you like. You are going to play lots with only 15 or so figs, so you have to like them. GW is only one option, there are many others including Impact Miniatures.

    Always happy to chat more about Blood Bowl - drop me an email if you want to go into more depth.


  10. Its a great fun little game, you dont need a millions figures for it, and you can have a great time painting up teams... careful you may get sucked into a league!

  11. Michael welcome to the world of BloodBowl a great game but your need to know that every time you roll a dice or your opponent rolls a dice you need to pray to Nuffle. I guess they never told you that. But I am glad you enjoyed the game.

  12. I know Flashy was a dab hand at cricket (in an underhanded sort of way). As long as his skin wasn't in danger, I reckon this would be just his thing!

  13. You won't regret getting into Blood Bowl, Michael. It's a fantastic game. I'll be working on a Halfling team myself (not a team for the faint-hearted) over Christmas, but humans are a great first team, and I would certainly recommend them for a newcomer to the game. Plus you are spoiled for choice when it comes to models for a human team, especially if you are going for the Victorian look.

    The pc version of the game is not bad, either, if you are that way inclined. It's not as good as playing against someone on the tabletop, but it is still a lot of fun.

    Oh, and a very merry Christmas to you and your household, sir!

  14. Bloodbowl has come a long way from its unmanageable first rendition and is now a truly classic game which although I play it very infrequently, is still one of my favourite games .

  15. I love Blood Bowl! It was a fav during college. Merry Christmas!

  16. The first one as they say is always free. Good luck getting off the hook now sir, it's a cracking little game and one you can go back to time and again.
