
Tuesday 15 October 2013

Mars Attcks Kickstarter

Yes, it's true, I've finally succumbed to the phenomenon that is Kickstarter, the world's largest funding platform for creative projects.  I'd long been aware of many wonderful ideas that have been brought to fruition by crowd funding and still regret not backing the 'Empire of the Dead' when I had the chance so as Kickstarters go, 'Mars Attacks' was always going to cause me problems!  Fantasy, Science Fiction fun based, initially, on the Topps trading card series and later comic books, 'Mars Attacks - The Miniatures Game' really caught my imagination and when I heard that it was going to be produced at my favoured 28mm scale, I was in! 

Starting on the 4th October 2013, the project made its target in a day and is currently reaching new goals even as I write this.  Unquestionably another diversion, but it does look great fun and fun is exactly what I want my gaming to be all about.  

So clearly I want you all to go along and pledge some of your own money, join in the fun and help me to reap even more benefits - go on you know you want to; just click the pretty picture on the right side bar!


  1. Click on the pretty picture that say 'Mars Attacks' :)

  2. All I can hear now is the Mars Attacks movie alien talk......seriously!

  3. I'm a historical gamer but this does look like fun!

  4. HAHA Welcome aboard the Kickstarter Train, once you start you can't stop. I did manage to pass on this one though, as I have several others which should be arriving shortly. Empire of the Dead being one of them. I am amazed your finding all these old images for your blog & now the TOPPS cards to boot!

  5. I'm not a wargamer... and so I can resist to this temptation !!
    (but I have so many around me.... )

  6. Oh this is going to be interesting!


  7. Looking forward, Sir, to your adventures with Martians and things! Definitely looks a lot of spaced-out fun.

  8. I think I am going to have to resist this one - I've just got my email about my EotD stuff about to arrive so I going to be pretty busy painting that little lot up!
    Hope you have fun with it!

  9. I am all kickstartered out! Never a fan of the film too many other projects and far too little money to indulge myself. If it floats your boat however best of luck and I hope you get what you want from it!

  10. Having looked through the kickstarter offers, I must admit that this is one that I see a lot of promise with - except for the Martians !

  11. LA LA LA LA... i am not listening....

  12. Historical, historical...I must stay in historical games...really tempting!!

  13. No! No! No!
    (Then spends ten minutes watching the videos)

  14. Fortunately my new pile of EotD miniatures has given me the strength to pass this by, but I do love those topps cards!

  15. Now those Martians would look cool vs. Space Marines! Best, Dean
