
Wednesday 4 September 2013

200,000 page views and...


Thank you to one and all who take the time to visit this most humble of weblogs as today '28mm Victorian Warfare' has chalked up a staggering 200,000 page views.  I say staggering as I had no idea that I would manage to maintain the discipline required to post regularly, yet alone have anything of interest to post about when I started out a couple of years ago.  

In fact the blog has become intrinsically intwined with my hobby interests, a relationship that has helped me to remain focussed on developing my painting and modelling skills, but has also led to the forging of friendships that I truly cherish; so why farewell?

In fairness 'farewell' is perhaps a little over dramatic, as we start another busy academic year, I'm afraid to say that I am struggling to maintain a viable presence not only with my own blog, but in the visiting of those that I follow.  As a result, I've decided to take a small break from this cozy corner of the blogosphere in order focus on the day job.  Rest assured that this is only a temporary glitch, I'm hoping to keep painting as an escape at the weekends and it is very much my intention to return refreshed and raring to go at the end of the month.  

So with the writing of lists for 'The Dark Crucible' and trying to persuade the Saintly Mrs. Awdry to play 'X-Wing', I'm sure that I'll find plenty to occupy me, but for now at least, farewell.


  1. Great job, Nice post, great blog, following :)

  2. Congrats on the 200k Michael - thoroughly deserved.

    Hopefully the academic year will allow you to pop back occasionally - we want to see the girls of St Trinian's beating up those zombies! :)

  3. Congrats, a fabulous blog!!

  4. Congratulations Michael, well deserved!

    I hope to see you back here very soon.

    Cheers & take care

  5. Congratulations Michael...thats quite an accomplishment, and it shows just how good you are.

  6. You had me worried for a moment.

    Great to see you hit 200,000 and hope to see you back soon.

    I look to be having a give away within a week or two so you may want to stick around a little bit ;-)


  7. Weigh Hey. Well done. It doesn't seem that long since we were celebrating your last milestone.

  8. Well deserved, mate. And I was wooried too, until I read the rest of the post.



  9. TTFN for now sir. Congratulations on reaching such a notable milestone and I look forward to your return to blogging!

  10. Congratulations, Sir. It is my pleasure to be a follower.

  11. Congratulations, sir. A great milestone!!!

  12. Congrats on the 200K Sir M, hurry back you will be missed!

  13. Looking forward to seeing more of your work down the road then!

  14. Congratulations on your views and believe me I do understand about being busy in academia. You will be missed, but I look forward to hearing from you again..



  15. Congrats on the big number :) Enjoy your break, as much as you can when it is work-related, but you probably know what I mean. I'll just look forward to your updates all the more.

  16. It's good to have a break now and then, a chance to recharge the batteries. Just don't be away too long.

  17. Happy trails Michael, see you when you get back.

  18. Congratz on the milestone and enjoy a well earned rest we will all be here when you return.
    Peace James

  19. Enjoy the break and look forward to your return.

  20. Take care and fare well. If I might suggest yours is one of the best blogs to follow and 200 000 page views is a worthy achievement. Once more take care and hope to see you soon.

  21. I think 200K calls for a pint of foaming ale Sir. Fear not, I'm sure you will post something after the annual trek to Folkestone this month for Breakfast .... I'm sorry, I meant Euromilitaire!

    Pip pip

  22. Well done on the 200k and look forward to hearing from you again after your break.

  23. I say! Work interfering with blogging? It's a world gone mad! See you on the other side. Regards WW.

  24. Michael, that's a tremendous achievement. Your output this year has been not only prolific, but of a fantastic quality - it's been a huge pleasure to follow your blog! So, have a breather, pour yourself a well earned cup of Darjeeling and relax into the new term. We'll see you when you return, Sir !

  25. See you when you get over this hump Michael - real life can be a pain sometimes...


  26. Nice milestone to take a break on.
    Don't be gone too long please.

  27. One can truly relate, Old Chap - I was recently temporarily afflicted with a bout of Overthehobbyitus, and a break did me the world of good.

    Congratulations on your big number and I hope to see you back here when you're ready.

    All the Best!

  28. Congratulations on the pageviews-well deserved!

    Blogging can take too much time and sometimes can end up reducing the quality of our real lives. Of course we will miss you, but we also want you to be most happy.

    See you when you return Michael!

  29. Congrats and everyone needs a break from time to time. Remember blogging is for fun and not a job and so always feel free to post and comment when you have time. See you when you get back!


  30. Congrats on the milestone and hope to see you back sooner rather than later!

  31. Congratulations on a most impressive feat. I will eagerly await your return

  32. Good idea mate. Put your feet up, lets the hits keep ticking over and come back when you're feeling enthused. I may take a leaf from your book myself...

  33. Congratulation !!!

    Please keep it up :)

    Best regards Michael

  34. Congrats! 200k! Crazy! Enjoy the break though. Take them when required and don't feel bad about it. This is just a hobby afterall.. and not the end of the world to step back every once and a while! See you upon your return!

  35. Congrats on the 200K Michael! Hurry on back!

  36. Congratulations on 200K!

    You've satisfied the first rule of show business: always leave the audience wanting more.

    Enjoy the break and know that your audience looks forward to your return.

  37. Well earned! Rest as you need and when you can, we'll see you back.

  38. Congratulations on the milestone.

    regarding the rest period... I know what you mean... I have been there myself over the past few months. Just make sure you return!!!

  39. Sorry I'm a little ate. A very well deserved 200K and I hope that you will find the time to pop in and share your wonderful perspective on the hobby from time to time. Good luck with everything.

  40. This says it all Mr A:

  41. Congrats and please let's say until we meet again rather than farewell?

  42. Congratulations on the milestone Michael and I look forward to your return.

  43. Well done there chap on reaching the 200K milestone. I have to admit that I will miss you interesting articles on your blog but I understand and support your decision my friend and enjoy your break

  44. Well done Michael, enjoy your break from the blo o sphere. We will be here when you return renewed

  45. I hope it wasn't something we said...!

    I know all too well how real life gets in the way, Mr Awdry; all the very best with your life offline and I trust that we will see you again in the not-too-distant future!

  46. Well done on meeting the milestone - although no surprise given the quality of the content! I know what you mean about the need to concentrate and hope you succeed. Hurry back as it's obvious you will be missed!

  47. Well deserved Michael always a pleasure to visit here and plenty in the archive for us all to view!

  48. Congrats Michael!


  49. I understand the call of real life issues and other commitments, don't feel obligated to post more than you can - don't make it a chore, but keep it fun. Best, Dean

    P.S. And a hearty and well-deserved congratulations on your great blog too!
