
Thursday 22 August 2013

Celebrating Milestones

Just the briefest of posts to help celebrate the 'Laughing Ferret Lab' reaching its most recent milestone of 200,000 page views, a splendid achievement and no mistake.   I am particularly delighted as David, the proprietor of the esteemed, aforementioned weblog is a tremendous talent and jolly nice guy to boot.  Hugely generous in his praise of others, David has extended this generosity further to include a marvellous giveaway, all of which you can read about here.

 The 'Laughing Ferret Lab', is a treasure trove of creativity, but particularly renowned for its truly exceptional 'Blood Bowl' teams.  In the time that I have been following, I have been transfixed by the imagination and quality of the execution of the teams that David has produced; some personal favourites include:

the ingenious 'Aslan's Asskickers',

and most recently, the 'Hurston Oilers' 

...but if I had to pick one?

Part of the giveaway invites us to highlight a past update that "you like- something you enjoyed or think is useful, interesting, weird, or whatever criteria you have.  Just to get the older stuff noticed again."  Impossible thought I; just a cursory look around the pages will leave you salivating at the sumptuous work and then I remembered a wonderfully useful tutorial that I followed as part of my American Civil War vignette, 'Through the Swamp'.  So those of you that ever feel the need for a spot of Spanish hanging moss need look no further than here and I will happily testify to its effectiveness.

So here's to the 'Laughing Ferret Lab', 200,000 page views, but I suspect that there will be a lot more to come!

Now while we are on the subject of milestones and giveaways, I feel it only fair to direct you to yet another splendid weblog, 'Canister and Grape', which has just surpassed 50,000 page views.  What is interesting here is that it is run as a collective, with the chief protagonist been the ever enthusiastic 'Millsy'.  A wonderfully diverse selection of loveliness on show there is something for everyone here.