
Wednesday 5 June 2013

Have you heard?

I must apologise in advance as I'm fairly sure that most of the lovely ladies and esteemed gentlefolk that peruse these pages are only too aware of 'Bloggers for Charity' and the great causes that it is looking to support.  For those of you that may have missed all the excitement, let me gently direct you to where all the fun is to be had!
The dedicated home for 'Bloggers for Charity', with information about the reasons behind its creation and the choice of battle can be found here.  The site will allow you to contribute directly to the cause, with all monies shared between 'Men Matter' and 'Help for Heroes'.  There is also the opportunity to get more phyically involved, for example I have offered to paint a few miniatures and if this is something that might appeal to you then I urge you to get in touch  here.
It takes a special kind of person to set about and organise something like this and I have nothing but the upmost admiration for those involved.  As many will remember I was persuaded to paint for charity last year by the wonderful 'Dark Templar' when he launched 'A Tale of Three Painters'; I was thrilled to have been invited but I also felt a huge amount satisfaction by taking on something that was out of my comfort zone, not to mention the delight in making a couple of new friends into the bargain.  That is why I am keen to offer my support here, even at this most modest of levels. 

Don't miss out get involved today, James, Andrew, Mike and Kev are waiting to here from you.


are supporting...


  1. I have also agreed to paint for them. Although I am not of your high standard. However I am sure the offer is appreciated.

    1. I think the more the merrier and your work looks pretty smart to me Clint.

  2. I've already agreed to do a dozen figures for them. Saw your name on the blogsite!

    1. Excellent news, always fun to do something different and I love the idea that our work might stand together shoulder to shoulder on the same table.

  3. cheers for the shout out you are a gent

  4. There is nothing humble about what you chaps are trying to do, just pleased to help out where I can.

  5. This is a great idea and I really should get involved. I am glad to see that you are

    1. Gone on Pete, get stuck in. Just a couple would help.

  6. I've offered too - some great painters on board!

    1. Excellent news, love the idea of all our efforts on the same table.

  7. You said this with grace and style Michael.

    1. Why thank you my good lady, one tries one's best. ;)
