
Thursday 9 May 2013

"We're going to need a bigger truck"

I was just clearing away some photographs the other day when I realised that I hadn't really give this little aside its just deserts, here at '28mm Victorian Warfare'.  Another one of those projects that was dreamt up an eon ago but never got anywhere until the incentive that was the 'The 3rd Annual Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge' came to pass.  I 'won' this Matchbox Models of Yesteryear  Y41 - 1932 Mercedes Benz L5 - Howaldtswerke Kiel truck on eBay at the same time that I was looking for suitable vehicles for my 'Conundrum Carriage'; a real bargain for a couple of pounds, but it was then banished to a little visited corner of the lead pile, often referred to as 'the forgotten project zone'.

I envisaged this being used for the dinosaur hunting scenarios that have still to be played and its base included some 'Copplestone Castings' fossils to reinforce that idea; I quite like the idea of the bumbling Palaeontologist parking up exactly on top of the very objects that he was hoping to find!

I really enjoy working on these vehicles as they are such a wonderful opportunity to let the imagination run riot and try out all sorts of modelling techniques.  This particular experience was relatively straightforward, the bizarre engine block was removed along with the transfers and the whole thing given a black undercoat.

Optional extras included a spade, attached with tiny strips of paper, a tarpaulin crafted from a kitchen cloth and bits of string, a chain winch added to the front and an 'Ainsty Castings' packing crate to suggest supplies in the back leaving enough room to place a miniature if needed. 

As for painting, the colour scheme was based heavily on the Mercedes trucks used in the wonderful chase scene in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', suitably distressed and liberal application of 'Modelmates' rust effect.  

"We're going to need a bigger truck"


  1. That's quite an amazing transformation Michael. beautiful.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Lovely stuff! Meant to say that I particularly like the tarp.

  4. Superb!! those Matchbox models are really nice and you have done a great work on this one!
    (Lledo made some models like that in their range "Days Gone", some with figures! I've got some on e-bay, and I will do a review of the ones I have)

  5. K really like this one. I just goes to show what you can do with a model.

    1. I really like this one. Don't know where that K came from?!

  6. Good to see the full set of pics on this one at last. Some things just need the appropriate amount of time "resting" in "the forgotten project zone" before they can truly realise their potential. ;-)

  7. Great work and love the weathering on this one.
    Peace James

  8. very good job and very fun idea!

  9. Excellent job Michael, very clever and perfect for the setting. How did you judge the toy vehicle was the correct scale when purchasing it?

  10. Greate work on the truck Michael !!!

    Best regards Michael

  11. Bloody superb it looks to. Great job Michael the weathering is brilliant.

  12. Bloody lovely!!

    I have (or will in a weeks time, access to about 50 of These Yester year vehicles..Not bad models as they go, they fit well with 28mm...but i don´t think i could ever do such a good conversion and paintjob as yours.

  13. There's your Dino's! That's what brought me to your page in the first place. I will never forget the Conundrum Car, it's one of my favorites.

    Great job Michael.

  14. Wonderful work Michael. Love the way it looks now!

  15. Nice work on this Michael, it works really well. Your not the only one with "that" corner of the lead pile, which is besieged with abandoned projects.

  16. That's just brilliant, I would never have guessed it was the same vehicle! Top work Sir!

  17. Great work there Michael and great painting skills. I love the weathered look on the truck.

  18. Really nice work - the weathering is superb.


  19. Very interesting and useful (as well as inspirational) as I am thinking about a vehicle at present; albeit one from earlier in history.

  20. Great looking truck and love the rust effect!


  21. Ive often looked at these wonderful vehicles with similar ideas but I doubt I could make such a great job as you've done. Lovely Pulp Action figs as well.

  22. Already liked this one a lot on the Challenge... great work!

  23. Love what you have done with it Michael, just might have to pay a visit to the loft for the ones I am keeping in case they ever do become collectors items.

  24. Fantastic conversion and paintwork on this Michael.

  25. Wonderful work on the truck, the rust effect works very well

  26. That's a lovely conversion there Michael. Well done!

  27. Great attention to details and love the custom work that has been done to this Mercedes model truck.

    Please visit:
    Mercedes Benz Collection & Mercedes model range
