
Saturday 18 May 2013

250 Followers and ...

 ... a plea!

With this latest milestone comes a small matter of housekeeping that I’ve been meaning to address for some time now,  that of my reciprocation to those most important of beings – followers!

Many of us follow blogs that deal with similar themes or are maintained by likeminded souls and I have to confess that much of my enjoyment taken from this most wholesome of  hobbies is the mutual support and encouragement that permeates through our cosy corner of the blogosphere. 

I am always thrilled every time the follower tally rises by one as it is such a boon to think that what one posts is being enjoyed by others, but with this comes my dilemma.  Where possible, I always like to reciprocate the honour, seeking out the latest follower’s blog and in turn following them.  These  are then visible on the side pane of the current page from where I like to keep abreast of what people are up to.

This is all well and in practice, but sometimes I can't find you!  Take for example 'Battleground Hobbies' the newest member to join the ranks - welcome Sir, but when I click on your avatar there is no link back to your blog, if indeed you have one.  I have noticed that when a new follower leaves a comment this will then allow me to see their blog and I have eventually caught up with some of you this way and so to the point of all this drivel - the plea! 

Thank you all for your continued support, particularly those that take the time to leave comments, but if you feel that I have missed you of my blogroll then please leave some form of breadcrumb trail in the comments section below and I will be thrilled to add you in due course.


Speaking of mutual support and encouragement Tamsin, the 'Wargaming Girl' is having an incredibly generous giveaway spree to commemorate the passing of 100,000 page views of her blog - I notice that with all this shameless 'pimping' she is now pilling on the hits and justly so, go and see for yourself and in doing so earn me some more chances of winning!  


  1. I have a similar problem, I may have to stick a post up along these lines too...

    1. I just find it frustrating not being able to find those that have taken the time to sign up here.

  2. Congrats on the 250 followers Sir Michael! Ii should be many, many more as your blog is always worth reading and your painting is inspiring :)

    and yet more pimpage for my celebrations - thanks! :)

    1. Thank you Tamsin very kind of you to say so and I'm sure there will be plenty more pimping to come given the generosity of you giveaway!

  3. Congrats Michael! Very well deserved young man!

  4. Recently subscribed to your RSS feed and just acquired and painted a family of Hodags as a result.

    1. Hi Gavin, I'd love to see how the Hodags turned out! Struggling a bit to see how to follow your live feed though.

  5. Congratulations on the milestone!

    I always enjoy reading your blog. Carry on!

  6. Congratulations ! I have only 27 followers :-(

  7. Congrats on hitting a milestone. Well done!


  8. Congratulations mate, I'm not surprised your blog is always of interest and crammed with content.

    1. That is very kind of you to say so Mr Smillie - thank you.

  9. Onwards and upwards mate. Your work deserves a WIDE audience, it's great.

    1. That is incredibly sporting of you, thank you.

  10. Congratulations on the well deserved followers!

  11. Congratulations Michael. There are some folks that don't know how to set up their avi's so that their blog is listed and when they don't comment I can't follow them back. And truly I feel bad when I can't get to their blog as I endeavor to be kind to all and don't want them thinking I'm mean.

    1. Who could ever think you were mean Anne; one of the most generous bloggers out there - an inspiration to us all and thank you. ;)

  12. Congratulations Michael will have many many more to come

  13. Follower # 248 checking in. Count me among those too dense to properly edit their avi.

    Congratulations. Great blog. Always entertaining.

    1. Thank you Finch and I've now tracked you down and very pleased to have done so - awesome painting and blog!

    2. Praise from Caesar is praise indeed. Thank you.

  14. Congratulations Michael.
    One thing I have observed is a disturbing trend towards bloggers getting a bad case of 'the guilts' if they dont comment on their followers blogs to reciprocate any positive comments they have made on your blog....this is preposterous if one considers how few hours each day we have to spend on our actual hobby and the fact that your blog is growing exponentially to the point where it is impossible to keep up with. Relax and know that I will follow your excellent blog regardless of whether you even bother to glance at mine. I do so primarily for inspiration. Press on.

    1. Thank you Sir and I appreciate your comments about the finite amount of time one can give to the commenting on others' posts. That said I do like to 'lurk' even if I can't always leave a comment - there is so much out there to draw inspiration from.

  15. Congratulations Michael! Dare I ask how much pimping cna one man do?

    1. Thank you Robert and never enough when free things are involved!

    2. Well I lent an hand on your account.

  16. Congratulations on the milestone, it's always a pleasure to come here!

  17. ...and now I'm the 252nd...

    1. Thank you and welcome aboard - a great site you have too.

  18. Blooming Hell 250 followers Old Chap thats amazing. Here's to many more

    1. Thank you my good chum, much appreciated.

  19. Congratulations Michael - a well deserved following!

  20. Congrats to one of the best out here Michael!

    1. That is incredibly kind of you to say so Francis, thank you.

  21. congrats mr Awdry!

    Always a feast to the eye. May you have another 250 followers soon!

    1. Thank you and I've now managed to track you down too!
