
Thursday 18 April 2013

The Mighty Motor Home

I've finally got around to giving the mighty Motor Home an outing.  This wonderful hunk of resin is available from those good people at 'Slug Industries', the company set up by '6milPhil' and his son, 'The Boy Slug' to produce a limited range of bespoke resin loveliness ranging from Hesco Barriers to Art Deco houses.

This is a two piece cast and so I fiddled around with the base while deciding which way to go on the paint scheme, but ultimately it had to be a homage to Dale's R.V. in the wonderful series, 'The Walking Dead'.  Armed with the appropriate reference material the model was given a black undercoat, then several coats of paint later I had returned the vehicle to its original colour - sometimes I marvel at my own stupidity! 

Slowly, but surely it started to come to life but I was soon faced with more decisions, this time how to render the windscreens?  Phil had made mention of posting updates of his own progress with the Motor Home over at the 'Lead Adventure Forum' so I thought I would pop over and steal glean some  inspiration.  With a certain amount of serendipity I stumbled across a post by the Talented Mr. Bungle who had painted urban landscapes as reflections in the windscreens (the original post can be found here.) - I just had to give this a go!

With the addition of some weathering, rust patches and paint chips to the chassis the basic paint job was complete; now it was just the small matter of fixing the decals.  Here again I need to pause to praise the great customer service of 'Slug Industries'.  My first set of decals fell foul of an apparent 'black hole' in the postal service, but without any hesitation a second set was winging its way to 'Awdry Towers', but my goodness I'd forgotten how fiddly these water slide transfers can be!  

Fortunately for me the 'Saintly Mrs. Awdry' was out when I tried to affix these infernal transfers so much of what was angrily muttered has been lost, most certainly for the best!  Again I should point out that there is nothing at all wrong with the decals, just that my clumsiness made their application much harder than it should have been.  

 I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out love how it looks next to the miniatures. I did notice that there had been some debate over at the 'Lead Adventure Forum' with regards to its size, hinting that it might have been a little on the small side.  I, for one have to disagree; yes it is small in scale but if it were to the exact proportions required for '28mm Undead Warfare' then it would just simply become too unwieldy and dominate the table.

As an added bonus my version made it to the 'Slug Industries' PDF catalogue, perfect for browsing their eclectic range in readiness for some 'Salute' purchases; you can get your copy here.


  1. That looks amazing Michael! The painted windscreens look just outstanding I really must try this when I have something with a suitable sized windscreen to paint.

  2. That's really cool! Great job.

  3. Amazing work as always! I can attest to how accurately you have painted this RV - I pass by a few RV parks everyday. Best, Dean

  4. Coolbeans, but how did Frank get there? ;)

  5. Fantastic! Never seen this before, but what a cool model!
    The way you painted this is also suberb!

  6. Fantastic! Never seen this before, but what a cool model!
    The way you painted this is also suberb!

  7. Very nice addition to your figures!

  8. Super cool, Michael. That RV would look good in lots of game genre. Very nice finishing of the model.

  9. great work the windows are just ace.
    Peace James

  10. Well done for sure! Cannot say I've seen the model before, but it sure does fit the part.


  11. Now, we all know you are prone to wander off into some different territory Michael. But this, I didn't see this one coming. It is brilliant and congratulations for having this in the Slug Industries catalog. You sir, have arrived!

  12. Great work mate. The windscreens are a real treat! I'll have to give that a try some time.

  13. A real trailer-trash dream home!

  14. Awesome work Michael! I half expect to see Walt and Jessie to stroll out of it wearing their meth lab hazmat suits.

  15. As always great work, Michael!


  16. Lovely job Michael. Really nice work on the windows

  17. Turned out great. You won't beat me in cursing while applying decals though, it took half an hour to put 4 red stars on a Russian plane.

  18. Not quite Victorian but still splendid. I too marvel at my own stupidity and would no doubt have started with black undercoat. Doh! You'd think I would know better at my age! Hope to catch up with you at Salute.

  19. I love that Winnie there Michael and too me it looks the right size. Great paintjob and I love the windows but where are you going to fins a Dale figure found to go with it.

  20. Wonderful work Michael! You painting of the windows is awesome.

  21. That is epic, never heard of that company, ridiculously good work.

  22. Greate work !!!

    best regards Michael

  23. Michael that is really fantastic work you've done there. It has to be you finest yet!

  24. Great work as always Michael

  25. Thanks for the rave review, but more so for the great paint job which was perfectly timed. I put together a catalogue for Salute and needed to paint all the things I'd had time to make and cast but not got around to painting. Combined the great timing with a top PJ was a surpise and a delight, I only finished mine because I needed a version with decals.

    The comments about size from a couple of folk surprised me, not least because Crouchie made the master for this and he's not known for getting it wrong... ho hum.

    It was good to bump into you. Having become the UK's laziest blogger I hadn't heard about the blogger's meet.

    1. Fantastic to catch up too and it certainly was a pleasure to work on this wonderful model.

  26. Lovely... it really looks the deal! Amazing work as usual!
