
Monday 25 February 2013

I may have done a bad thing!

Everywhere you look there is always something new and shiny to catch your eye and distract one from going about their normal projects and it would appear that I am as susceptible as the next man.  Whilst the rest of the world is jumping on board the new 'Empire of the Dead' Kickstarter it would appear that yours truly, in his inevitable style is backing the 'also ran'! 
Osprey Publishing's new steam punk rules, 'In Her Majesty's Name' are due for release on the 18th April along with the accompanying miniatures that just seemed to resonate to me and carry many of the attributes that I was playing around with in the characters destined for the 'Secret Project'; to that end I've gone and pledged far too much of my pocket money on them! 
So why do I mention it here?  Well although not a Kickstarter in its own right, the idea is a very simple one - pay up front and if certain goals are reached then new and exclusive miniatures will be sent to you - for free!  It would appear that the minimum pledge of £37 would entitle you to all the forthcoming spend goals, so the more of you that join in, then the more lead I'll have to sneak past the Saintly Mrs. Awdry on my return from Salute!
To get a more in depth breakdown as to what 'In Her Majesty's Name' is all about then click here; go on you know you want to!

I just couldn't resist!


  1. Just another distraction to keep you working on yet another subject. I guess we all have to get used to that happening.


  2. So there is at least 2 of us.
    just another box to leave in the car until the time is right and Salute is just a memory.

    1. Excellent someone to natter with about the impending folly.

  3. No, you did not do a bad thing-you did a smart thing. This is an excellent Kickstarter. You'll get a tremendous amount of figures for your money, the quality will be high and they will deliver on time.

    The only reason I'm not in on this one is that my little local bank can't do international transactions.

    1. You always manage to say the most reassuring things Anne. Can't wait to April 18th!

    2. Hi Anne,

      I understand that Brigade games are doing the same deal if you are in the USA.


  4. This looks fun, even though I haven't wargamed in many years. Who knows? Perhaps they'll adapt my Adowa campaign book! No, that's not a hint. They haven't said a word to me. :-/

    1. Welcome aboard Sean; Adowa campaign book you say? Sounds interesting but I think I may need to download When the Nazis came to Dinner first.

  5. Oh dam'it Awdry! I had until now been bloody resisting these nice looking figure sets you might just have tipped me over the edge!

    1. Ooops, my bad Mr Smillie! They do look good though don't they?

  6. I have avoided the Empire of the Dead kickstarter as well. And now you go and show me this. I'll have to check my piggy bank curse you sir, "I can resist anything other than Temptation" (Oscar Wilde)

    1. Go on Clint, you know you want to!

    2. Stop tempting me. I do like the servants of Ra very much though. Or the Tong! Curses I am weak!

    3. You and me both, I've signed up for the lot! I've blown my Salute budget before I got there!

    4. Well I'm not bailing you out (I might stand you a foaming ale later) - although I might buy some shiny French blokes with lots of gold lace!

      Pip pip

    5. Mmmm, I was rather hoping that you would be distracting the SMA as I sneaked the loot into 'Awdry Towers'.

  7. Replies
    1. They are that Willie, sadly too tempting for my resolve!

  8. Must admit I am looking closely at these figs too.
    I've gone fully into Empire of the Dead but am sure there will be some cross over between these ranges so long as they are a decent match for scale. I can see several figures being useful for my Gentlemans Fsctions and some beasties there for the supernatural factions...

    1. I think you are absolutely right Scott there is definitely scope for a cross over. I just love some of the EotD new releases and know only too well that some will be heading back to 'Awdry Towers'.

  9. They are lovely looking figures, I don't usually like this kinda period, but it sure it tempting???

    1. Go on Ray, if you do it quickly you won't feel a thing!

    2. It only hurts when the credit Card bill arrives!

      Nice going, Michael.

  10. I've gone in for the EotD KS myself, I had seen these and there are some useful figures I may get later.

    1. That is what I'm worried about Simon, so much to choose from!

  11. I've seen these pop up on several sites, and while steadfastly resisting the Steampunk, most of the sets released would work for colonial venues.

    1. That is certainly something that had crossed my mind too Rob, or at the very least some form of pulp action.

    2. The civilians in Lord Curr's Company would be excellent for both, along with the Egyptians and the Tong. The least useful are the Germans, because you can get the Jäger figures from North Star's 1866 line.

    3. Rob,
      This isn't steampunk, it is Victorian Science Fiction/Romance.
      We based the rules strongly on the work of Jule Verne, H.G Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, H Rider-Haggard and Rudyard Kipling, as well as the science/engineering of Babbage, Brunel, Tesla and Edison (amongst many others).
      Every man and his dog seemed to jumping into the full-on fantasy that is steampunk and losing the whole flavour and wonder of the actual late Victorain period. This is why Charles and I thought it about time someone published rules that refelected and luckily Osprey and Northstar felt the same.

  12. I can understand the temptation here!!

  13. They are so nice and I am thinking about joining the fun too.

    1. One of the things that sold me Pete, is that the rules are designed for small tables and quick games - just thought it would be a great way in fro me.

    2. We have found that you can easily play three leisurely games in an evening on a kitchen or card table. Which allows more time for port and cigars!


  14. I'm tempted, picked up a few sci-fi victoriana figures recently.

    1. I'll meet you at the North Star stand at Salute then!

  15. I've gone for the full deal too! I like the Empire of the Dead but it's just that little bit too fantastical for me whereas this is Victorian first and steampunk second. EotD is the other way around, I think.

    1. It does sound like a rip roaring adventure, can't wait to get stuck in.
