
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Birthday treats!

 I'm still the sort of chap that gets a little giddy when that most important of anniversaries is reached on the calendar - yes it's my birthday again.  The only problem is that here we are, only at Tuesday with the weekend so far away; the promise of fine ale and a frighteningly hot curry, barely a dot on the horizon of frivolousness!    The Saintly Mrs. Awdry has tried, heroically, to nullify the time spent at work by lavishing gifts and cake in a hugely generous fashion and with the arrival of little packages of loveliness, ordered strategically in advance, it has been a rather splendid day.

Zombies, Dinosaurs & the Indian Mutiny; so very me!

It seems that the generosity of my beloved family has been replicated by those friends is this rather warm and fuzzy corner of the blogosphere, we like to call home.   Not one but two further 'Liebster Blog Awards!' These were nominated by two of the finest gentlemen bloggers, not to mention talented chaps around.  For those of you that haven't visited either Curt's, 'Analogue Hobbies' or Thanos' 'Miniatures & Terrain', then grab yourself a cup of tea and follow the above links, you will not be disappointed.  

While I am happy to fully endorse this awareness of one another's blogs, I am starting to getting a little concerned that we might all be caught in a forever repeating loop of congratulatory compliance, still what better Birthday treat - thank you all.


  1. May I say a very Happy Birthday to you Michael on this your special day. Lots of goodies too, you lucky man.

  2. A very Happy Birthday to you Michael!

  3. Michael,

    Once again, Happy Birthday. I'm sure we can find you a pint of foaming ale within the next week - you'll just have to get to the local a little later this week!

    Pip pip

  4. Happy birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday Michael and congrats as well!

  6. Happy Birthday and Congrats for the Award!

  7. HIPY PAPY BTHUTHDTH THUTHDA BTHUTHDY. (as a wise owl once said!)

  8. Happy B-day and many more awards to you!

  9. "fine ale and a frighteningly hot curry"? Huzzah!

    Happy birthday mate.

  10. Happy Birthday Michael!! The SMA did a bang up job with those gifts. Looking forward to seeing those Dino's painted!

  11. Happy Birthday :) Quite the party when soldiers, zombies & dinosaurs show up ;)

  12. Happy Birthday - always nice to get goodies!

  13. Happy belated birthday Michael!! I love the 1:1 scale pram :)

  14. Many happy returns good sir!

    I like the potential of those raptors...

  15. Happy Birthday mate! And quite nice that the Mrs. is setting up small treats throughout the week to get you to the weekend! Quite nice, and now I will forward this post to my wife. Give her ideas for my bday coming up next month ;)

    Oh, and congrats on more Liebsters!

  16. She does that on your birthday?!
    Sob,sob, all I get is the immortal words EACH year. "Didn't get you much" (usally a bar of choc from the petrol station). With "I know you want some stupid wargame figures, when you get paid order them online yourself" (with a 'how much to spend limit included').
    Happy Birthday you lucky git!

  17. A belated happy birthday sir!

  18. Happy Birthday mate well done on gaining another level.

  19. Well have another one!
    I've nominated you for the Liebster Awards for best blog!
    I love your work - hugely inspirational.

  20. Happy Birthday Michael, lets raise a glass to frivolity! Huzza!

  21. Michael, I make no apology for being unoriginal in nominating you for a Liebster. Your brush-work is consistently superb and the test for me is that tips I have picked up from your blog have been used to improve my own miniatures collections. Thank you for your prolific, terrific output! Aye, Rusty

  22. Happy belated birthday sir!


  23. A belated "Happy Birthday" from me to Michael!

