
Friday 20 July 2012

More Boers

I seem to have fallen into a malaise with regards to progress on any of the ongoing projects.  Having had a wonderful week away with the good lady wife I now seem incapable of focussing on any one thing, including keeping up to date with the blog targets!  Two thirds of the way through the month and I'm struggling to finish these Boers let alone any of the other six (I told you focus was any issue!) potential posts sitting on the dining room table.

That said here is the next instalment of Boers from 'Empress Miniatures' 28mm Anglo-Zulu War range.  As previously mentioned this is one of the four body poses each with a different head sculpt giving a huge potential variety for the group and as always good, solid sculpts and crisp casting.

I haven't been entirely idle, the 'secret project' now has its own button to match that of '28mm Tales of Adventure' on the right hand sidebar.  The artwork, originally from the 1930s 'Dime Mystery Magazine' publication, conveying a sense of high drama, albeit it suitably 'tongue in cheek'.  

Part of the problem with regards to lack of focus might have something to do with this little lot that was ordered before we went on holiday.  What I should have done was to put the little parcels away until I was ready to start them, but oh no all were unwrapped and a myriad of possibilities started to flood my addled brain.  So many ideas - so little time!  

Other 'Boer' related posts: 


  1. If only real life didn't have to get in the way!

    Nice progress with your Boers.

  2. ' So many ideas - so little time!' You happen to know my middle name Michael? :-)
    I know exactly what you mean.
    Nice painting on the figs (the head choice, gives a nice variety to this motley crew.
    This 'tales of adventure' seems a nice addition also. :-)
    If you spare some free time, pls send it to me here in Athens...I'm willing to pay for it! :)

    1. Than you Thanos; selling free time a great idea but just too precious!

  3. Boars are fantastic Michael. I need lots more time too.

  4. Keep plugging away and you will end up finishing something sometime. In the meantime maybe stop buying? LOL

    The Boars look great as well


    1. Thanks Ian, but everything just looks so shiny!

  5. Michael I feel your pain, off for week with the family, no PC no painting, how will one cope, on a brighter note, following your posting on Autumn, I have Mr Moody to keep me going....



    1. I wish you luck Stuart and will be curious to hear how you get on with Autumn. I really should order up the second instalment.

  6. Lots of stuff, We are all Butterflys at the end of the day as one thing or other grabs our attention

    1. Absolutely! If it is shiny, I just have to have it!

  7. Very nicely painted figures, Michael. I like your use of subdued-muted colors.

    When, and if, the brain and clock engage with twitchy hands, all kinds of wonderful stuff is resurrected from the "to-do" pile, and brought to life (from a page in Murphy's Musings). I think he right in this pronouncement.

  8. Lovely work Michael . I may have a figure or two useful for your Secret Project, i will look them out - just to add to your anguish of course ;-)

    1. Thank you Dave, you unwavering support of my predicament is touching! ;)

  9. The Boars look great Michael. Reading this makes me feel better. I too have piles of "goodies" that I'm flitting back and forth from and trying to focus on just one is difficult.

    But focus you must because we want more on the "Secret Project". You simply cannot deny the public Michael!!!

    1. Thank you and glad it is not just me! I promise more from the 'secret project' soon.

  10. Lots of nice treats there! I say embrace the summer meanderings - its a hobby after all!

  11. Lovely looking figures sir, I know the feeling regarding focus sometimes it just feels impossible to stick with anyone thing!

    1. Thank you Sir, managed to move a couple more things along today as well. I might just get there yet!

  12. Wonderful work on those Boars!!

    I completely sympathize with "So many ideas - so little time!".


  13. Lovely figures (as always) but can't help you with focus at all!

    1. Thank you; we might be doomed to never finish something in its entirety!

  14. Nice job on the Boers Michael.
    I am fascinated to see more of the secret project - that mummy-like army has me all agog!

    Staying on project is always a tricky one, I usually last about 6 months then something distracts me in another direction...

  15. Thank you Scott, more coming soon, but one or two loose ends to tie up first.

  16. I start a new project about every two weeks! Now I want to do some Boers! Oh dear!

  17. You say that like it isn't normal to have a dozen projects going on at the same time. I'm confused. ;)

  18. Focus right now is a problem for me, temporary as it will be for you...nice work as always

  19. Great looking Boers there Michael and a great paintjob on them. Also I am glad to see the secret project is getting its own page, life?

  20. Those are great and great beards as well Michael, I even saw a strawberry blonde one!

  21. Michael:

    Fantastic painting and basing with these. Keep up the good work and thanks for your kind words on my blog. Best, Dean

  22. Great work on these Michael and as you say, with the different heads and the way you have painted them, plenty of variety.
    Going by that last picture, looks like there could be a few bits of terrain coming up in future posts.

  23. Fantastic Boers Michael.....and very very tempting! I really love the way that Boers - not at first sight the most colourful troops - come across as very characterful and striking. Really looking forward to what you make of these guys in games.

  24. The Boers are looking nice. Remember there's always winter for catching up on hobby stuff. :)
