
Friday 27 July 2012

Are we Boer'd yet?

Not me; far too busy!

Not content in dreaming up my own 'secret project' to distract me from my usual fodder, I've gone and got myself involved in another little sideline!  I am absolutely thrilled and honoured to have been invited to take part in a painting challenge for charity; the whole thing has been dreamt up and organised by Mike 'The Dark Templar' Reynolds and also involves the hugely talented Andy Walker of 'Lair of the Breviks' fame.  I encourage you all to take the time to read all about 'A Tale of 3 Painters'.  It has to be said that I'm a little apprehensive about the whole project, but who doesn't like a challenge and particularly one that is all in aid of a good cause? 

In a bid to frantically clear the decks before the charity event commences I've managed to complete another three of the 'Empress Miniatures' Anglo-Zulu wars Boers.  Another pretty useful pose and I see very little reason why they couldn't be employed in other theatres.  

I have to confess that whilst doing these I kept catching myself looking longingly at all the lovely 'shiny' things in the paint queue, but as is often the case the longing soon passed as I was to give them my undivided attention - in-between wondering what exactly was Malifaux and which miniature was I going to get to paint - all very exciting!


  1. Nicely done. I may have to get some of these for EotD

    1. Thank you, they are certainly versatile given the random head swops.

  2. These fellas could just as well be tracking a forest monster, or two.

  3. Bad things happen..Malifaux...but not here. The one with the top hat is my favourite. I´m trying to imagine him hiding behind an rocky outcrop and wondering why the enemy know exactly where he is :-D The tale of 3 painters looks interesting ( I didn´t think you were so young looking ) and as you say, for a good cause.

    1. Thank you Paul, he is my favourite too, I just like to think of him saying to the other, 'What's wrong with my hat?'

      The smilie patch rather gives away my age!

  4. Nice paintjobs, I recognise that ginger colour form the Amazons Indians!!

    1. Thank you Ray, but that is not ginger it is strawberry blonde!

  5. As I follow all three of you, I will be reading about and following the challenge.

    The Templar has painted an enormous amount of figures from Malifaux and it was because of him that I bought 4 figures from them. I've still got to get around to painting Seamus the Mad Hatter.

    I like this collection Michael. The guy with the blonde beard is my favorite. I've been wanting to ask you if you would consider doing a tutorial on how you photograph your figures. No pressure as I know you'll be busy, but if you can get around to it one day, it would be grand.

    1. Thank you Anne, the templar certainly knows his Malifaux and I have no doubt that I'll be picking his brains along the way.

      With regards to the photography tutorial, I will certainly try and put something together if you think it would be pod benefit to others.

  6. Best of luck in the Tale of 3, I'll follow with interest.
    You know, these 3 themselves wouldn't look out of place in Malifaux.

    1. Thank you Mr Ferret, really looking forward to it.

  7. Have fun! Sounds like a great little diversion.

    1. Thank you Curt, always good to do something a bit different.

  8. Enjoy the challenge and the figures look great btw!


  9. Facinating project and great work on the Boers.
    Certainly one to watch.
    I believe Malifaux is a Steampunk themed game...

    1. Thank you Scott, the Malifaux miniatures certainly look like fun to paint.

  10. Best of luck with the painting challenge. Looking forward to seeing your progress.

  11. I shall follow with interest , and all in aid of good cause well done

  12. Great looking minis and good luck!

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