
Tuesday 5 June 2012

Private Widdle...

of the Queen's Own 3rd Foot and Mouth Regiment

Having painted up the wonderful 'Mutton Chop Miniatures' Sidney "Dirty Laugh" Cohen, I was left looking at his sidekick 'George Hartree' (again a thinly disguised alter ego for 'Carry On' star Charles Hawtrey) and wondered 'what if?'

What if, with a bit of converting, I could bring about a transformation to represent the luckless Private Widdle, infamous for losing his woollen pants to the Khasi of Kalabar whilst patrolling the Khyber pass.   The idea proved too tempting to resist and before long a set of three 'Carry On Up The Khyber' miniatures was dreamt up using a combination of 'Perry Miniatures' Sudan range and a 'Wargames Foundry' Indian Hill Tribesman. 

Before and ...

After much snipping, filing and swearing they started to take shape, but not before I had to rebuild Widdle's chin due to an unfortunate run in with a scalpel blade - the project nearly came to an abrupt end at this point!  The Indian Tribesman, now representing the ruthless 'Bunghit Din' had his shield removed and now proudly shows off his new trophy; Widdle's underpants!  Finally I couldn't resist a little fun with the Sergeant who loosely represents Terry Scott's character, 'Sergeant Major MacNutt'.  If you are wondering why he appears to have a football corner flag sticking out of his back then watch the trailer below.

It has to be said that this was hugely entertaining distraction and already the thought has crossed my mind to to create a Sir Sidney Rough-Diamond.  Mind you if Mr Hicks would oblige in creating a Kenneth Williams look-a-like then what would be more apt than the the Khasi of Kalabar himself?  'Carry on up the Khyber' remains one of my favourite of the 'Carry On' films to this day, not just because of the subject matter, but of the childhood memories it evokes; memories of a seemingly much more innocent time.

I was having so much fun setting up the photographs that it seemed churlish not to give 'Nellie' a run out.  More on her can be found here.

Sir Sidney Ruff-Diamond on hearing news that the Native revolt has reached the gates of the British Embassy: 

Do? Do? We're British. We won't do anything... 


  1. Awesome I to love this 'carry on' film. It always makes me laugh whenever its on. Nice Paint jobs and conversions.

    Could always to a 'Carry on to the centre of the earth' scenario

    1. Thank you and what a great idea! Could be seriously good fun.

  2. Fantastic conversion Micheal.

  3. That is blooming amazing mate, so, so, so good, I love it. What a wonderful idea there Michael so should send it to Paul Hicks, he'll enjoy that.

    By the way, thanks for reminding you of one of my favourite films and the memories it brings back.

    Bravo, old boy.

    1. That is really kind of you Pete, thank you. I hope Paul doesn't mind too much, I'll post in on the forum a bit later on for him.

  4. Probably my favourite Carry On film too.

    Great work on those figures :)

  5. The operation was a success!
    F A N T A S T I C !
    Exquisite work.

  6. Headswaps are the way forward. Fantastic imagination and a splendid result. All you need now are some miniatures raising their kilts parade ground fashion.

    1. Thank you so much Mark, but don't think for one moment that I haven't thought of how to do that, any ideas?

  7. This is just brilliant! The characterisations, the details of tartans and other effects, just masterful. And I concur with your opinions, one of my favourite 'Carry-ons'. Theres something just wonderfully British about them, which seems very topical at this jubilee time :-)

    1. Scott thank you so much for your very generous comments; certainly great fun to do.

  8. Excellent conversions, detailed painting, and presentation format! A very enjoyable read and viewing, Sir. Gracias!

  9. sheer brilliance . Well done Michael

    1. Now stop it you will make me blush, but thank you all the same. :)

  10. Fan-bloody-tastic!!! Probably my favourite Carry-On film, you've done yourself proud with these conversion's!

  11. Fantastic conversions and has been said before the tartan is really good but what got me was the glasses, you carried them off to perfection


    1. Thanks Ian, really pleased with those too. Used three colours to get the effect.

  12. Bloody excellent Michael, great work from a great movie!

  13. A really big thank you to all for such tremendous feedback, I'm absolutely thrilled that you liked it. Come on Mr. Hicks, lets have some more splendid miniatures to complete the team!

  14. Absolutely fantastic stuff Michael. You've captured Private Widdle to a T.

    Carry on Khyber is definitely one of the best, if not the best, Carry On films and if a talented sculptor was to turn his hand to producing more look a likes then I think they would be very popular!

  15. Wonderful work - gave me a great chuckle!

  16. awesome work! the conversions are ingenious and well done!
    It was difficult for me (a poor french-hobbit!) to read and understand all your comment, but it was funny !

  17. What can I say that hasn't been said already? Fantastic work, on the conversions, the tartan, the glasses, the characterization, etc.!

  18. "Queen's Own 3rd Foot and Mouth Regiment" - Brilliant!

  19. You're amassing quite a nice collection of characterful minis!
    Funny clip too, thanks :)

  20. Simply awesome Michael. Really like the tartans, they are very well done.Great movie too.

  21. Great conversion work making fantastic looking figures. A classic British film (filmed on the Watkins Path, Snowdon, of all places).


  22. Michael, utter and absolute genius! The "Bunghit Din" figure is terrific on its own, but the the others...oh WOW! Really, really great. A fine tribute to a great film.

  23. Awesome job! Love it. The undertrouser armed 'Bunghit Din' just cracks me up.

    On another note, I have to apologize to you as I just recently noticed that you left a comment regarding my WWI project to which Blogger inexplicably place in my spam folder. Anyway, I just came across it and 'released it' from purgatory. Anyway, not to blather but thanks for your kind words.

    1. Thank you Curt, delighted that the missing post has resurfaced; that has happened over here from time to time too.

  24. They are brillant Michael well done once more!

  25. Most inspired conversion I have seen for a long time! I'm going to watch Carry on Up the Khyber tonight now! Agree we need a Kenneth Williams now!

  26. very nice! Love the before and after pics!

  27. Great idea with the conversions and all three figures have been painted to a really superb standard.
    Your collection of figures for this period is becoming quite unique and varied with some colourful characters just waiting to be gamed.

    1. Thank you Pat, although I think unique and varied could be easily read as jumbled and unfocussed!

  28. Once again a huge thank you for such positive comments; clearly I have been lucky enough to have struck a chord with the collective psyche! ;)

  29. Wonderful post!

    Fantastic paint job on all three minis – very nice indeed. I'm not brave enough to attempt tartan, so kudos to you.

  30. Yesterday I watched 'Carry on Up the Khyber' for the first time. During my younger days it wasn't broadcasted in Germany and during the last twenty days I didn't notice any broadcastings of 'Carry on' films.
    However this excellent piece of British comedy brought your conversions back to my mind. Currently I'm pondering about shamelessly reusing your idea and create my own bunch of 3rd Rgt of Foot and Mouth infantrymen.


    1. Glad you enjoyed the cinematic masterpiece that is 'Carry on the up the Khyber'! I would love to see your version of the 3rd Rgt of Foot and Mouth Stefan.

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