
Wednesday 20 June 2012

More Maori!

In a bid to regain some sort of normality here at '28mm Victorian Warfare', I've dug out some more of these splendid 'Empress Miniatures' Maoris from their 'New Zealand Wars' range.  I have to confess that I never tire of painting these wonderful miniatures, but always have a little wobble right at the end when deciding whether or not to have a go at the tribal tattoos or Moko. 

I continued my habit of adding the fern as a motif for the Maori troops and enjoyed picking out little details like the hem of the chief's clock; the warrior blowing the conch shell, typical of Mr. Hick's wonderfully characterful sculpts.  As always one or two liberties have been taken with the colour palette, but only in a bid to tie the unit together.  In the past I've been using dark blue ink, but that has all dried up so I have resorted to using black, which I hope is not too obtrusive.


  1. Another splendid paint job, the fern on the base is a particularly nice touch.


    1. Thank you Matt, really pleased with how they turned out, but will have to order up some more ferns soon!

  2. Excellent work, again, Michael. The Moko looks pretty good. I don't think you could get away without including them.

    Have you seen Roly Hermans' work over at 'Dressing the Lines'? He paints the same figures and is even building a Pa!

    These chaps look like they'd be equally at home clad in black jerseys clutching a pigskin ball!

    1. Thank you and yes, I often pop across to Roly's place, some really inspirational work there. I can't wait to see how he gets on with his Pa.

  3. Stunning work on these guys Michael. Really like the base work.

  4. oh so very distractingly tempting, you are a bad man!.. beauties once more - with great little details. I love the crounching ones just right for hiding in ambush

    1. Ha!Ha! I know you want to have a go at these, go on give in to temptation Dave!

  5. Nice paint jobs and great looking tattoos. I love how you do the foliage on the bases as well very realistic

    1. Thank you Brummie, I often find myself spending far too long on the bases, probably why I never get as much done as I would hope to!

  6. Beautiful figures. I can see a lot of loving thoughtful care has gone into these tattooed gents.

    1. Thank you Jay; I'm a loving, thoughtful sort of guy, at least that is what I keep telling Mrs. Awdry!

  7. Very nice work! I really like the one raising his rifle!


  8. Fantastic Michael - and very impressive tattooing! May I ask what rules you'd be using for actions against these chaps?

    1. Many thanks Sidney. Well as usual I find myself painting up miniatures simply because I like the look of them! That said I paying close attention to Roly's 'Dressing the Lines' blog where he is in the process of adapting Sharpe Practice for the same period; could be the way forward.

  9. Excellent work Michael, it makes me want to do a Haka on Ray's head who is only 4 feet away!

    1. Beautiful painting Michael, I'll give him the bloody Haka!!!

    2. I'll sell the tickets.

    3. Thank you gentlemen, but there will be no Hakas until the appropriate risk assessment has been completed. We can't have any injuries in the workplace now, can we?

  10. Cracking painting. I like the look of these,
    It´d be nice to have some maoris in 1/72nd

    1. Thank you, but could you imagine doing the tattoos on a 1/72 Maori?!

  11. Very lovely work on a little-known topic. Well done.

  12. These are just gorgeous...that chief is a real work of art!

  13. Tattoos and ferns - you're putting us all to shame. What do you use for ferns?



    1. Thank you Peter, the ferns are actually etched brass. There is a post on how I did it under terrain and scenics. They are a bit fiddly, but I was desperate to have them as a motif for the Maoris.

  14. Very tidy work Micheal, lovely details and basing work.

    One minor critique - I would have been inclined to go for a more darker skin tone...

    Most of the 'Maori' you see today are so intermixed with caucasians over the years that their skin tone has lightened considerably from what it would have been back then...

    Its not a biggie! Beautiful work!

    1. Thank you Scott, I’m sure that I had read that somewhere else and I was conscious that I wanted their skin darker than the British troops. The photography might be to blame a little, but would certainly consider increasing the tonal range in the future.

    2. I was just going to say what fantastic skin tones you have done on these but Scott has made a good point with it probably being slightly darker in the past. Having said that I really like the look and wonder if you would share the colour receipe with us please?

    3. Sorry Pat, for the tardy response; the mixture started with Vallejo Red leather as a base then Foundry 'Flesh Shade' was added before a final highlight with Vallejo ' Rose Brown '. I just feel that I need a little tinkering with the highlight mix.

  15. Very nicely painted, the sculps help but your detail work is fantastic


  16. Another group of excellent figures. I love them.

  17. Catching up a bit on your blog today... another group of lovely figs painted by you. Always a pleasure coming to this blog. :)


  18. I've been on a weekend away with my wife *, so absent from interneting for a few days!!! So I've only just stumbled across your latest NZ Wars work today.

    As usual, your paint-jobs are superb. I envy your skill in reproducing those moko designs - the tattoos on my figures are no-where as delicately done as your ones.

    Yes, I am working on my pa, but apart from the two walls described on my 'Dressing the Lines' blog, so far it is all just planning in my head!

    Would've been terrific if your guys and mine could meet on the tabletop - but distance makes that just too much of a challenge!

    * We were choosing between Nelson and Wanganui for our weekend away. I particularly liked the idea of Wanganui, as we would have stayed in a hotel called the Rutland Arms (yes, named directly after the 58th!). In the end we went to Nelson, though maybe having our room invaded by a huge column of ants last night might have been retribution from the boys of the Rutlandshire Regt of Foot for not choosing their hotel!

    1. Thank you Roly, for the kind words and I’m sorry to hear that your weekend was invaded by the tiny jaws of doom! I have to say I’m really looking forward to the Pa as it starts to unfold, as I’m definitely keen to have a go myself at some point. As for the forces meeting up, you may well be right, distance been the stumbling block, but never say never. A small lottery win could see us embarking on the holiday of a lifetime, me with a small packet of 28mm miniatures smuggled into the luggage just in case! ;)

  19. Brilliant brushwork Michael! And what nice sculpted figures!


  20. Nice stuff, excellent painting and basing .
