
Monday 21 May 2012

Black Scorpion’s Bromhead

I just had to have this miniature!  'Black Scorpion's' Bromhead was another 'Salute' purchase that I knew I had to have especially having seen Dave D's version on his wonderful 'One man and his brushes' blog!  It is fair to say that this miniature is a little larger than your true 28mm figure, but the sculpt more than makes up for this, dressed as he is with cloak and buffalo tail fly swatter. 

One of my favourite scenes has to be the first encounter between Chard and Bromhead, so wonderfully portrayed by Baker and Caine.  Wouldn't it be great if someone were to produce a mounted version of this miniature!  Just a quick comparison shot between 'Black Scorpion's' and 'Empress Miniatures' Hollywood version of Bromhead.

Bromhead: I'll tell my man to clean your kit.
Chard: Don't bother!
Bromhead: No bother... I'm not offering to clean it myself! Still, a chap ought to look smart in front of the men, don't you think? Well chin-chin... do carry on with your mud pies.

Michael Caine as Bromhead


  1. Excellent model and wonderfully painted! I bought one of these at Salute as well, for the same reason that it is an fantastic model.

  2. Beautifully done sir. I suspect they have sold a bucket load of these for the very reasons you say.

    And yes a mounted one will be real winner !

  3. The other fellow looks like Sean Connery....cheeky bugger!
    Excellent work Michael!

  4. Excellent painting skills!!! Can't believe the size difference between the two figures though????

  5. Blimey..that is a size difference! The same problem with the 1/72nd´s sometimes only a couple of mm but translated into reality it would be a lot. Lovely painting nad a great sculpt..I can see why you had to have it. One of my favourite films and that scene is great.

  6. Very nice. Black Scorpion all seem slightly larger but as a character figure rather than rank and file i wouldn't mind it so much. Depends how much scale bothers you I suppose

    1. Surely you know that size doesn't matter? ;)

  7. He's ready to take on those pesky tse-tse flies with his fly whisk! Great work on a dashing sculpt!

  8. Brilliant miniature and movie, excellent work Michael!

  9. Fantastic Michael. It's one of those figures that you just have to have.

  10. Excellent job sir. Really captures the spirit of the character.

    Adam Clarke (Black Scorpion) comes from a Games Workshop/Privateer Press background so I'm not surprised his version appears chunkier – he would fit right into an Imperial Guard army.

    1. Thank you, and thank you for the info, which makes perfect sense; could be a fun conversion too!

  11. Very nicely done on both! Great film too!


  12. Very nice indeed, I really like that scene as well.

    Only watched it a month or so ago but I have a feeling I will get it on the box again very soon, that should see the wife packing for a few hours ;-)


  13. Fantastic painting, Michael. Full of character and great details on uniform. Best, Dean

  14. There is a noticeable difference in size but there is also a difference in what the sculptor was trying to convey about Bromhead. The Hollywood version is clearly modeled on Caine while the Dark Scorpion on the man. I prefer the Dark Scorpion figure.

    I really enjoy watching Michael Caine work and I know I've seen every film he's ever been in. He gets better and better with age.

    1. It's funny I hadn't really considered which I preferred until now; both were a joy to paint in their own ways.

  15. Very well executed...and I have to say, I prefer the Scorpion version over the Black Tree offering.

  16. I think the Empress Bromhead is better but the Black Scorpion does capture Caine very well. Great painting as every

    1. I would tend to agree that the Empress miniature is certainly the better for likeness of Caine.

  17. Funny that the movie characters are portrayed in miniature more than the actual people. I kid 1/32 scale collectors of the Conte ZULU range that they have a nice diorama of a movie.

    1. A fair point Scott. In Empress' defence they also do a 'Historical' set to accompany the 'Hollywood' version, which I must get around to doing.

    2. Not necessary. It's a war GAME, not a museum diorama. (Your figs COULD grace a museum though.)

  18. Great looking model Michael, really impressive paint job and leaves no mistake who the character is. Definitely prefer it to the Empress model even though that is one more animated.

  19. Great job Michael! I never tire of this movie or its characters, a real defining moment for Caine...

  20. Nice, Michael...your stuff just keeps getting better and better

    1. That is incredibly kind of you, thank you.

  21. great looking fig! Great job with the highlighting and shading on the cloak.

  22. Once again I just want to say a huge thank you to all that take the time to post a comment. They are always gratefully received.

  23. look great nice work, im following you #143

  24. Having now seen the comparison shot in your picture, I will not be adding this BIG fellow to my collection. It is a shame as it is a lovely sculpt, shown at its best with your talented brush work.

  25. Really nice work, Michael: it's a painted figure full of color and detail.
