
Monday 9 April 2012

In the Navy... can sail the seven seas!

With the 'Easter Bunny' well and truly banished for another year It's time to get back to painting.  Continuing the Indian Mutiny theme are more from the wonderful 'Mutineer Miniatures', this time the Naval Brigade.

Once again, good strong poses, that seem to take paint really well.  As much as I really like 'Mutineer Miniatures'  I am, again, found wanting a little more variety in the poses offered.  The addition of miniatures capable of recreating a firing line or firing from the kneeling position would be a relative boon for the unit.  These are petty complaints and don't detract from what is a truly superb range; looking forward to picking some more up at 'Salute' in a couple of weeks time!


  1. THose are nice miniatures, and I like the poses offered. I agree that more would be nice - a firing pose is always good, as is a loading one. But I disagree on the kneeling pose. I dislike kneeling figures for the same reason I dislike prone figures in general: the lack of a sense of motion. But one man's vegemite is another man's nasty mess.

  2. Excellent work on the sailors sir, Do you have a particular "recipe" for painting white the tone you have achieved is great!

    1. Thank you Mr. Smillie, the 'recipe' for these jolly tars' whites were based with 'Vallejo - Sky Grey', then 'Vallejo - Silver Grey' and finally 'Vallejo - White'. This seemed to gives the tonality that I was after, but then used the warmth of the buff colour for the hats and slings.

  3. Hello Sailor.... how do you get the dirty look on the bottom of the trousers, Michael? Always a sucker for honest British Tars, me.

    1. Hello to you too! Mark I fancied making the bottoms have a more used look and to that end employed 'Games Workshop - Devlan Mud wash'. In appears a little thin to been with so when the first coat dried I applied a second coat.

  4. Very nicely done. I particularly like the bases.

  5. Love these lads, you do tempt me so....

  6. Howdy, Sir. Your troops are painted very well indeed. They are "pleasing to my eye"...bold touch, yet subdued at the same time. Sweet!

  7. Good work I didn't think you could do better then the Gurks the other day but thee are by far my favourites so far. Excellent.

  8. The flesh tones and white on these figures are looking shipshape.

  9. Fantastic looking unit Michael. As the others have said great white and nice weathering of the trousers

  10. Thanks all, I was really pleased with the whites and the weathering and how it turned out. The command group next!

  11. Excellent painting!! I find white's always a trouble to shade, you've made an excellent job of it on these!

  12. Nice sailors! I like the addition of dirty pants by the ankles, no way to tromp around the ground and keep those whites clean.

  13. Very nice indeed - I am now tempted to add some to my collection!

    1. Thank you; I was convinced that you already had some and spent ages looking for them on your blog for inspiration! Still time well spent ;)

    2. Sorry about that, they're one of the few sets of figures I don't have (as yet!). I'm just basing up some cavalry, civilians and some personalities at the moment...

  14. They look just great! Navy troops always just seem to be cool figures and then you give them a nice paint job like yours and they just stand out.


  15. Beautiful work, lovely shading highlight and detailing

  16. Very nice. Now if they also made them without the neck-covers, they would work for the New Zealand Wars too.

  17. These are wonderful Michael. Very nice painting and very well based too.

  18. Great looking figs! I also really like the way you do your bases. Keep on painting Sir!

  19. What can one say, Sir? Particularly nice job there. I salute you!

    Now all you need to do is build a ship or two...

  20. The Navy can be proud! Great painting, colour gradients, and bases. Very nice work!

  21. Great group and as said, the white turned out perfect...
