
Wednesday 25 April 2012

Gurkha Command

Having finally tracked down these elusive warriors at the bottom of the lead pile, it seemed only right and proper that they jumped the queue to join the rest of their unit.

Painted up to represent the Sirmoor Battalion, these wonderful sculpts from 'Mutineer Miniatures' helped to get me back into the chair after the ‘lead fest’ that was Salute 2012.  I ended up relying very heavily on the Osprey Elite Series 49 - The Gurkhas,  to the extent where the British officer was given white cotton trousers and a white 'Havelock' cap cover.

I am a little cross at myself for not making a pre-order with the ‘Flag Dude’ to pick up at Salute, especially having seen his work up close as it were.  I appreciate they are not everyone’s cup of tea, but I think the flags he produces really convey a sense of movement and I will certainly be putting in an order in the near future.  In the interim we will have to make do with a fairly generic Union Flag.

A final group shot with all the boys together.  As I have mentioned earlier they do lack a little in the ‘firing’ or ‘brandishing Kukri’ department, but I have spied some possible recruits over at ‘Wargames Foundry’ to compliment them and help bolster the ranks.  The only problem is that I will have to wait until they have another of their special offers as I find their post & packaging tariff a little hard to swallow!


  1. What a fine job - as usual. Very nice, clean painting - love the officer especially.


    1. Thank you Sir, they were great fun to do and I was very pleased with how they turned out.

  2. Michael, these look fantastic. I took a very long, hard look at the Mutineer Miniatures site at Salute and loved the figures there. "Flashman and the Great Game" is perhaps my favourite memoir from the Flashman Papers, and the urge to follow you to the Great Mutiny is strong! Great stuff....I shall be watching closely for more!

    1. Thank you Sidney, I have to confess I really do enjoy the period and did treat myself to a few more pieces from Mutineer Miniatures the other day.

  3. Very nice troops, I like the blonde beard. I'm not to keen on flag dudes products. I like the wave effect but the actual flags look like the printed using an old dot matrix printer, they just lack that certain something, but each to their own, there's plenty of gamers who are very happy with his work. A little question for you Michael, I took a pic of you and Bob at Salute, would you mind if I posted it??

    1. Hi Ray, I'm not surprised to hear you say that about the flags as I've heard similar tales. Certainly the ones I saw last Saturday looked pretty good. With regards to the photo by all means publish it!

  4. Fantastic painting Michael. Really like your basing too. A very fine group of chaps.

  5. Very nicely done sir, the officer with white trousers is particularly sharp.

  6. Lovely work Michael, I must admit I like the Flag Dude's flags and had and have several.....

  7. Excellent stuff. yep i really the flag dude work too - i will be ordering Mahdist flags soon. Maybe we should be doing some combining of orders to see if we can get discounts!!!

    1. That's probably a pretty good idea, particularly as I'm feeling my way a little with the project. At some point the Sudan will start to feature quite heavily over here too so we could in effect double up.

  8. Great looking set of figures although I do agree that they need a few Kukri waving about.


  9. Great looking models, Michael! When are you going to be able to get them onto a gaming table??

    1. Now there's a question! Just at the moment I wouldn't know where to start. I was considering scenarios like defence of Hindu Rao's house, but wouldn't really know where to begin.

  10. Really, really nice work!

    Especially the blond-bearded one is great. Some of the others' eyes look kind of strange...

    I hope to see some ingame pictures soon.


  11. Nicely done mate. Especially the chequered done on the caps.

    Not sure if you can get what your after here its essentially the same firm but the p&p is supposed to be cheaper

    1. Thanks for the link, just been for a look and although the postage rate is much more reasonable they do very little of the historical ranges. :( That said there so lovely shiny ranges that are really tempting! :D

  12. Very nicely done. The leader's cap and beard really "pop-out" to this viewer's eye.

  13. They look wonderful with some lovely painting on display. Top Draw

  14. Excellent work as usual! Also agree on the 'need'for some more active poses with kukri and firearms.

  15. If you want more movement in your flags coat the inside of one side of the flag with PVA before attaching to pole, then assemble and leave until nearly dry. Then wrap the flag around the handles of 6 or 7 paintbrushes to give it that wavy look. I hope I am not teaching you to suck eggs here?
    The unit looks fantastic BTW.

  16. Excellent work, Sir! But you're distracting me again - I may need to add these to another order!!

    I believe the original Gurkha sculpts did have a figure with a kukri but they were done by a different sculptor and the pose really didn't work when you ended up with 25% of your unit doing it.

    1. Ooops! Sorry about that! Makes sense about ditching the pose, especially given the small numbers in the range.

  17. Excellent work Michael!
    I am in for the green!
    Thank you for having my blog (miniatures & terrain) in your blog list!

    1. Thank you and my pleasure; it's a great blog Thanos.

  18. I like those green uniforms! Excellent painted Michael!

