
Monday 26 March 2012

Them bones, them bones...

 them dry bones!

Continuing  with the dinosaur theme for just a little longer, not to mention the current obsession with 'Copplestone Castings', we have a Palaeontologist and faithful servant.  Once again, as I have become accustomed, they are good clean sculpts packed with character and personality; I particularly like the trowel tucked into the belt of the Palaeontologist.   

I've gone for a fairly obvious 'explorer garb' for the Palaeontologist, but the  faithful servant has a Far Eastern feel to him; that said I couldn't resist giving his a tweed cap,  matching one that I had to hand!  The set  comes with a selection of rather nicely cast fossils, which I am saving for a little terrain piece I toying with.   

"We're going to need a bigger crate!"

On the subject of fossils and bones I thought that I would share a couple of 'toobs' that I've picked up during my recent dinosaur hunting expeditions.  They are made by 'Safari Limited' and rather fun.  The fossils are really far too big for 28mm miniatures, but the dinosaur skulls are much more versatile.  In both cases I'm thinking of using them as possible objective markers.

The things you discover whilst dreaming up corny post titles!  Did you know that the inspiration for the 'Dry Bones' song actually comes from the Old Testament? 


The Valley of Dry Bones

 The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the Spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones,
 and caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.
 And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord GOD, thou knowest.
 Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD.

and perhaps a little more familiar a version;


  1. Lovely work as always Michael!

  2. This expedition gets better and better, great work Michael and great info....

  3. great duo! well done on the cap. nice dino-toy find too!

  4. Great stuff as always - now get ready to defend the dig from the angry locals!

  5. I think you're going to have to get a Giant Gorilla as well!

  6. Great painting I love the guys flat cap! The packs of bones look excellent and I'm sure they'll get a lot of use.

  7. Sweet Paintjob, great find with the fossils they will make good scenery escpecially the skulls. Could do some fantastic lost worlds table bit like the elephants graveyard

  8. Great work on this project all round Mr Awdry! And thanks for the history lesson on the origins of that song.


  9. Great work there and I understand the love of Copplestone. Great painting and nice bones

  10. Another excellent post and great idea for objective markers.
    Glad to see I am not the only one who wears a tweed hat.

  11. Thanks to all for the kind comments; looking forward to tinkering with the dinosaur bones in the coming weeks!

  12. What a great fossil find!

    Nice work on the figures too, especially the poor chap with the box.

    Nice :O)

  13. Great work as always. Liked the Ezekiel quote - almost reads like a mikey-take ;-)

  14. Excellent paint work! Ah, I've seen some of those "toobs", but hadn't thought of objective markers. Great idea!

  15. There were some enormous trilobites around or did I just make that up? Nice pair of paleot..pally..poleoa...Fossil hunters :-D

  16. kids love those "toobs" and when I'm at craft and toy stores I'm always looking at things from a wargamer's perspective! Those figs might also work for "the Lion eats Tonight"! Nice stuff as always!

  17. Those toobs are a good find. And the figures are excellent painted. I like that one with the crate!

