
Wednesday 1 February 2012

Under Canvas

A tentative (sorry, just couldn't resist!) first post for February and after a month spent completing projects in the Crimea it is time to switch focus and return, once again, to the Anglo-Zulu war.  I had ordered up these Renedra bell tents some time ago, but was a little disappointed when they arrived as I felt they were a tad small.  Recently, however, I have seen some wonderful examples of these 'plastic pitched pavilions' (take a look at Stuart's camp at 'Dust, Tears & Dice' for example)  and decided it was past time to get mine painted.  

Although they come in a set of four I decided to base them as a three; keeping one back for no other reason than to try to emulate Silver Whistle's wonderful 'Colonial Camp Set' at a later date.  Absolutely stunning work on show at his blog 'Wargaming with Silver Whistle' and I would encourage anyone who has not been to go and have a look for themselves.  

They were relatively easy to paint up, using an appropriate palette and a little Games Workshop, 'Devlan Mud' as part of the weathering.  A few tufts and some static grass and all done!

In a bid to try and make my own mark on the project I included a few tent pegs, undoubtedly out of scale and too few to be of any use, but I do feel that they add a little something!  They were created using bits of cocktail stick and 'Beadling' wire wrapped around the top then glued to the underneath of the tent rim.


  1. Fantastic Michael! They really look the part. Great basing too.

  2. Very nice and I need to get some of those myself.


    1. I got my through Arcane Scenary & Models. (see link list to the right) You can find them under the Terrain section, £5.99 for 4, including camp fire and a couple of beds.

  3. Excellent scenery and great work......

  4. These are lovely and a great paintjob. Must think about getting some of these myself.

  5. Wow; an in-TENTS story, Michael!(Sorry, but you started it!):)

    They look great, and the tent-pegs really finish if off well.

    1. Oh dear, what have I done? My thanks, however, for the kind comments, they were a bit fiddly to do and several times during the process I did question my sanity, but all worth it in the end.

  6. Wow! These are superb. The pegs and wire really do finish these off, along with excellent basing.
    I think I need to go back and tart mine up after having seen these.
    Thanks for the plug with my blog Michael but I think I will be refering them back to this page. Top notch.

    1. Many thanks and with regards to the plug, not a problem, just paying credit where it's due.

  7. Nicely done. The paint job is fantastic and looks very authentic with all the tent pegs

  8. Never question your own sanity, Michael.... it is the rest of the world who are mad. Great tentage. Love the tent pegs. I do hope that they are the cottect distance appart.... "Take them down, take them down!"

    1. I have to say Mark, that scene was all I could think about when deciding how far apart to place them on the base; great film.

  9. Blimey!!! This is my 6th attempt to post here today!!!!
    Finally it´s worked!! :-D
    Odd things those rendera tents..a bit too small for 28mm and a bit too big for 1/72nd.
    You´ve done a splendid job on you need a fire with a big cooking pot full of soup, so you can say;
    "Beg your pardon, sir. About the soup, sir."
    "What about the soup?"
    "This gentleman, sir, said to put it on the fire."
    "We have thatched roofs here.
    No need to make the Zulus a present of fire"


    1. 6th attempt!! Was it you or me? Many thanks and great quote.

  10. Michael love the tent pegs, just when I think I have nailed mine you go and trump me. Great Job and can be used for so many periods.

    1. You're too kind Stuart. Yours proved to be just the inspiration I needed to get mine done.

  11. Great work on the tents and a seriously dodgy joke too!!!

  12. They look very realistic, the shading is just on the right places. Also how you based, with those tent-picks I really like!

