
Thursday 5 January 2012

Twelfth Night!

Well tonight is 'Twelfth Night' and so, as to avoid more bad luck than is strictly necessary, the Christmas Banner has had to come down; sad really as I rather enjoyed the effect.  Still with Colonel Burnaby rightly restored and unmolested it seemed only right and proper to add a splash of colour to the place.

Some might remember that this little side project started way back in July with 'A Very Thin Red Line!'  but nothing more has happened apart from a dusting of undercoat.  Still with the chimes of the New Year still ringing in my ears there is a sense of urgency around 'Awdry Towers' which sees me revisiting long forgotten ideas in a bid to bring then to some sort of conclusion.  All very commendable you might think but I know only too well that in a matter of months, if not weeks, I will find myself distracted yet again and these burly Scotsmen will be destined to gather more dust for another six months!

As before Great War Miniatures' Crimean range painted up to represent the 93rd Highlanders who repelled the charge of the Russian cavalry at Balaclava.


  1. These look great!
    Having been in marching band long ago, I always wondered how anyone could possibly *fight* in a shako!

  2. Excellent Highlanders Michael! I'm still intimidated by doing the kilt on the one free "Big Wullie" Crimea mini I got from Warlord Games.

  3. Great looking figures. You can't beat a well painted tartan!


  4. Lovely work, Michael. Hope to see more of these this year. Buy a pair of blinkers. I find painting wearing such is a great way to avoid being distracted from other things. @Feldmarschall: An interesting link to a site about painting tartans can be found here It simplified the process rather neatly. I use it a lot.

  5. Thank you all. Mark that sounds like good advice and I can certainly verify the usefulness of the tartan painting site as I too use it. It just helps to take the mystery out of the process. I will add that I do tend to simplify the tartan a little and if I might suggest make sure the paint is mix to the right consistency, stop and do it again if it starts to 'clog'. For the fine black stripes I use Indian ink.

  6. Superb! Colourful, crisp detail, great work on kilts.

  7. Now that is quality painting....beautiful.

  8. Awesome work, very nice indeed.

  9. They are wonderful and beautiful. One word Lovely. Thanks for the 12th night reminder, better tyake the tree down and sort out my blog, lol.

  10. Superb painting Sir, love the kilts and the blonde beard!

  11. Thanks again chaps, really appreciate the positive feedback; makes it all worthwhile.

  12. Thanks for the info Mark. Dave Taylor also did a nice little tutorial on painting tartan found here:

  13. Beautiful Michael. Excellent work on the tartans.

  14. Great work Michael, i always love your bright vivid paint jobs makes mine feel dark and drab
    Keep up the great work
    Peace James

  15. They look superb. Excellent tartan and basing as well. And those Hussars from previous post! Awdry Towers sure opens the New Year in style..

  16. Excellent work, the tartan looks great.
