
Thursday 26 January 2012

Flashman Follies

Well true to form I have veered shamelessly from my prescribed 'eras' to paint up miniatures that, in some way, represent the latest read.  Perhaps not unsurprising to some, I couldn't find a manufacturer for the Anglo-Afghan wars!  Surely this has to represent a significant gap in the market?  I was fortunate during hours of web based research to come across many splendid blogs and forums (fora perhaps?) that suggested alternatives and it wasn't long before I found myself back at the 'Wargames Foundry' website, finger hovering agonisingly over 'add to basket' bemoaning their blasted Post & Packaging tariff!

And so you have it, not even out of January and I've succumbed to yet another distraction!  I suppose at least this one can actual lay claim to be included by virtue of the fact that it was at least a Victorian conflict, or at least started as one.  The miniatures were from the 'Colonial Miniatures: Indian range' and were actually labelled up as 'Armed Tribesman Chararcters', I just felt that they captured my impression of what Akbar Khan and Narreeman  would have looked like perfectly.


  1. Beautiful work especially the babe...

  2. was a little distraction between friends
    great paint work on these

    Peace James

  3. Splendid! Great scenic effect too. Also there isn't a good range of 1879 Afghan Wars figures either!

  4. Can see how it'd be distracting. Very nice work!

  5. How to stop being distracted? my method is not to watch any films or read any books that may tempt me to paint something else. Difficult, as you have to watch or read the things before you know wether it´s a temptation or not. I suppose I could try keeping my eyes closed..? :-/
    Nice figs

    1. It's a vicious circle eh! Oh well, I'll just have to live with being distracted on a regular basis. : )

  6. nice little scene that. I know the feeling well. Currently looking at teenagers armed with baseball batts

  7. Great painting of some miniatures that I intimately know through my own lead ventures. Nicely done Sir!!


  8. Thank you all for the kind words of encouragement. These were rather well sculpted figures and I have absolutely no doubt that there will have to be further forays.

  9. They look great there and I love the North West Frontier feel my good fellow. Hmmm this Flashman chappie seem to course a rich vein.

  10. Very nice painting and cool scene you set up!


  11. Very nicely painted Sir, well done for holding out late into January!!

  12. Wonderful work! The painting, terrain, photography - all superbly done. Best, Dean

  13. Reading this in 2023, it is surreal that Afghan tribesmen not only have multiple manufacturers but 2 competing suppliers of multi part plastic infantry with cavalry due this year.
