
Tuesday 6 December 2011

Deck the Halls!

Well it's official, Christmas is coming!  Throughout the land one can hear the sound of tearing cardboard as chocolate filled advent calendars are attacked with a ruthlessness normally associated with a pack of starving hyenas.  Add to this our seemingly annual forfeit of good taste as houses are festooned, within an inch of their structural integrity, with every conceivable LED display and flashing light, not to mention the endless repetition of a 'Fairytale of New York' on the wireless radio and you know that the season of 'Good Will' to all, has well and truly arrived.

Now please don't go and think, for one moment, that I've gone all 'Bah Humbug', far from it - I love Christmas and once again I'm looking forward to spending time with loved ones, reflecting on another year gone and ultimately giving thanks for all that is right in the world.  To that end I have decided to give all visitors to '28mm Victorian Warfare' a virtual Christmas gift in the shape of these rather festive decorations.

Just to set the mood please feel free to pour yourself a virtual glass of sherry and indulge in one of my favourite Christmas ditties: Jona Lewie's, 'Stop the Cavalry'.

Now the only thing left is not to forget to take the decorations down before Twelfth Night!  Happy Christmas all!

Just as a very brief aside as I'm mentioning gifts; I was delighted to have all my Birthday goodies arrive through the post this week.  Quite a little stash in the end and a huge thank you to family and friends who have helped to steepen the sides of my ever growing lead mountain!  


  1. Good stuff! Lots of interesting goodies in your birthday stash there. Can't wait to get a closer look at some of them. ;-)


  2. Good haul and there's nothing wrong with a bit of "Bah Humbug"!

  3. oooooooo what you gonna do with them Yeti's

  4. Great tune!! One of the first 45's I bought!!

  5. Good spot Brummie! I've got this crazy idea of investigating the 'Tooth & Claw' rules for prehistoric animal hunting but adapt them for Mid West America in the 19th Century. It's only an idea at present but who knows!

  6. Great song, great look and great fun. Happy Christmas, now to sort mine out.

  7. Wishing you a Merry Xmas from the other side of the world - I'm looking forward to our summer BBQ here, but it still don't feel like Xmas here to this Ex-pat Brit...
    Good song too :-)

  8. I had too many virtual glasses of Sherry....burp!!!! Merry Christmas
