
Thursday 29 September 2011

Doctors, Angels & a Wounded Knee!

What a strange day it has been, weather more suitable to the middle of the summer and a longer than anticipated stay in the day surgery unit of our local district hospital!  The good Mrs. Awdry was the beneficiary of a cancellation appointment to do a long overdue operation on her poorly knee.  Work was great and allowed me the day to go with her and offer support, but if truth be told I was probably more worried than she was!  After they wheeled her away I stumbled off in search of subsistence but before I picked up a coffee and sandwich I popped into the newsagent and came across a publication entitled 'Doctor Who Adventures'.  
Now I have to admit that I have rather enjoyed the tweed wearing time lord's most recent incarnation ably assisted, as he is, by the delectable Miss Pond so under the circumstances I thought that this might be a suitably distracting read.  It may well have been that my choice of reading material might have been swayed by the fact that attached to the front cover were sixteen miniature weeping angels, a veritable army!
At a little over three and a half centimetres the figures have a soft plastic, almost rubber feel to them so I'm curious to find out if they will take paint.  They will also need a little bit of cleaning up so I have a horrible feeling that this could prove to be yet another wonderful distraction.
And the good Mrs. Awdry, well all seems to have gone well, which is great news but she will be laid up for at least a couple of weeks.  I shall have to brush up on my tea making skills but all in a good cause!


  1. I could think of a use for them as statues in a big graveyard..why are they crying??

  2. Statues in a graveyard, great idea Paul; apparently their weeping is something to do with their quantum-lock reaction but to be honest with science of Doctor Who is a little beyond me.

  3. Nice find there Michael, look forward to seeing if these take paint. Hope the wife's op went okay.

  4. Nice find hope the other half has a speedy recovery.

    Get that kettle going tea helps everything be better!

  5. Get well soon, Mrs. A!

    The first episode featuring the weeping angels (in the David Tennant incarnation of the good doctor) was the closest I've come to hiding behind the couch watching Dr.Who since I was a nipper! Subsequent episodes featuring the angels haven't been nearly as spooky.

    Graveyard statues was my first thought, too.

  6. Hopes she's a lot better soon and a nice find.
