
Friday 2 September 2011

The Chosen Men

More fabulous figures from 'Alban Miniatures' this time the 'Harris and Hangman' personality pack which bare an inescapable likeness to those wily and resourceful riflemen, Hagman and Harris from the Bernard Cromwell creation, 'Sharpe' .  Once again these 'proportionally scaled cast figures' look great and paint up really well, I'm even starting to come to terms with the smaller facial features.

You can see more clearly on these figures the '95th' transfers for both backpack and canteen.  These are waterslide affairs and are individually cut;  although small they apply smoothly enough and I think just give the figures that little something extra.  I noticed on their website that Alban were planning on releasing some line infantry decals which may be of interest to some of you. 

The 'Chosen Men', Hagman and Harris alongside Sharpe and Harper 

Here's forty shillings on the drum
For those who'll volunteer to come
To 'list and fight the foe today.
Over the hills and far away.

O'er the hills and o'er the main.
Through Flanders, Portugal and Spain.
King George commands and we obey.
Over the hills and far away.

As sung by Rifleman Daniel Hagman in the television series 'Sharpe'.


  1. Hagman and Harris look even better than Harper and Sharpe. Great figures Michael and very, very nice painting on all of them. I will have to get some.

  2. Excellent figures. Incidentally I've met Rifleman Harris (aka the actor Jason Salkey) at a couple of military events and at Salute. He's a jolly nice chap and very approachable.

  3. Wow they really look like the fellows. I too have Jason Salkey and he is a jolly nice chap. Also has a audio book where he reads from The Book of Rilfeman Harris. Jolly good it is too.

  4. Many thanks chaps, I have to say that I preferred these two to the first. Saw Mr. Salkey at a distance at Salute 2011 but to shy to go and say hello.

  5. They sholud do the other characters..My favourites would be the mad colonel/general Simmerson and colonel Brand.
    Great figs and a great paint job..
